First Live Data Network Event on 16th November

In just less than a fortnight we’re hosting the first termly meeting for researchers interested in interactively visualising their data to meet and discuss ideas; everyone (undergraduate, postgraduate, research fellow and academic staff) is invited to attend.

Date: Monday 16th November
Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Refreshments: Coffee and cake
Venue: OeRC Conference Room, OeRC, 7 Keble Rd, Oxford OX1 3QG

These meetings support the Live Data Project which has the goal of “making visualisation a service” to researchers at the University by promoting the use of interactive visualisation technology and developing training courses in a variety of software packages and programming languages. The project was inspired by the growing numbers of researchers at the university with an interest in either visualising their data or building software for visualising their collaborator’s data. One of the problems we’ve found is that researchers are often interested in similar problems and data visualisation tools, but unaware of one another. We hope that through these meetings we can connect researchers across all the University divisions and foster a collaborative community of researchers building interactive visualisations.

Each meeting we’ll invite two types of talks, and in the future will invite external speakers to discuss their experience in creating interactive visualisations:

  • 10min presentations on example interactive visualisations
  • 5min presentations on datasets that they’d like advice in visualising

There are already a number of presentations lined up on Blender 3D, visualising and analysing music preference networks, and more. If you’re interested in giving a presentation, attending or just to find out more then please email

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