Registration is now open for the GLAM-WIKI 2010 conference. The conference offers an opportunity for the UK and European gallery, library, archive and museum (GLAM) sector to meet with representatives from the Wikimedia community to “determine how to use the two communities’ strengths to a mutual advantage” (conference website).
The two-day conference will be taking place in the British Muesum, London on 26-27 November 2010. Keynote speakers include Cory Doctorow, author, activist, blogger (; Sue Gardner, Executive Director, Wikimedia Foundation; and Dr. Kenneth Crews, Director, Columbia University Copyright Advisory Office.
The program will focus on POLICY – policy issues that affect collaboration between the cultural sector and Wikimedia (Day One) and PRACTICE – the the practical aspects of collaboration (Day Two). There will also be an evening special event featuring a guest lecture by Dr. Crews followed by discussion panel on the topic of “The free-conomy and the cultural sector” (held in collaboration with the Museum Computer Group (MCG) conference).
For more details and registration, see:
Hashtag: #GLAMWIKI