We are very pleased to announce that Leigh Garrett, Director of the Visual Arts Data Service, will be speaking at the forthcoming RunCoCo workshop in Leeds (Nov 3). Leigh will be sharing with us findings from the Look here! project and look at how we sustain our online collections now and in the future.
we need to think more creatively and innovatively about how we sustain and even grow our online collections now and in the future (Leigh Garrett)
About Leigh’s talk:
Look Here! Funding and sustaining digital collections in the arts
At a time when demand for our collections, related services and tools is growing exponentially, the digital curator is also faced with the seemly irreconcilable reality of public sector efficiencies, as such we need to think more creatively and innovatively about how we sustain and even grow our online collections now and in the future. During this session we will consider the state of the national digital art collection, how we arrived here and what lessons we have learned from this experience. Following on from this we will draw upon research currently underway from a wide range of public, commercial and education digital collections, to examine the current methods used to sustain and grow collections. Finally we will reflect upon how this knowledge can be applied to develop practices and policies to ensure our collections survive and prosper whatever the future of public sector funding may hold.
More about Leigh Garrett:
Having spent a number of years in the commercial sector Leigh moved into the Higher Education sector ten years ago, his role has changed significantly over these years, the last few years have focused on the appropriate use of technology to support learning, teaching and research, until last April when he was appointed to his current position at the Visual Arts Data Service (VADS). He is tasked with securing funding, a new business model and ensuring the sustainability of VADS and overseeing its transformation into an international research centre focusing on the promotion, use and preservation of digital assets to support learning, teaching and research across the visual and creative arts. Leigh is also Project Director for the JISC funded Look here! project currently investigating and supporting digitisation in the sector and sustainability of digital collections including VADS itself.
About the workshop
The RunCoCo workshop on sustainability will take place in Leeds on November 3rd, 2010. You can learn more about the event on the RunCoCo workshop page. To register for this free event, please complete the registration form.
We look forward to welcoming participants who are interested in community collections or working to harness a community to enrich an existing collection with tags or comments. This free event is open to participants from the education, public, and voluntary sectors, as well as private consultants. Places are limited and offered on a ‘first come’ basis. Registration will be open until all places are filled but no later than October 15.
González, Urbano (1992). A orillas de la noche, Collection of Latin American Art (University of Essex). Available at http://www.vads.ac.uk/