Yesterday the RunCoCo team left the dreaming spires of Oxford in bright sunshine, and floral fireworks – magnolia and other blossoms.
Today we have been training about 25 German librarians who are partnering the German National Library (die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek – DNB) to run the crowdsourcing project, “Erster Weltkrieg in Alltagsdokumenten” (The First World War in everyday documents). Online, anyone can submit family memories and photos of letters, postcards and studio portraits that relate to that War.
We have been preparing these librarians to run a series of roadshows in 4 German cities where the public will be invited to come along with their material for the team to digitise on the spot. Starting tomorrow – Frankfurt, 31 March 2011 for Europeana (funders).
Photos from the training and the submissions day to follow! We’re updating our progress on this blog and on Twitter, follow #Europeana and @RunCoCo!