I am currently deploying, to a schedule, a Sophos Endpoint upgrade to ICTST managed computers using Altiris Notification Server.
The installation has already deployed to OUCS computers managed by ICTST, so far with no failures and no negative reports.
Today I started piloting it on ICTST managed computers in Libraries and OUED (Estates). I think it should be Ok but the install is not completely silent: annoyingly there are a couple of windows that pop up briefly towards the end, but they don’t take focus off of the user’s active window.
More information:
1. New Upgrade
From the end of November 2010, ICTST will be deploying a new version of the Sophos Anti-Virus client. The current version 7 will very soon be end of life and the Sophos support for it will end on 31st March 2011.

The new Sophos anti-virus client used by the ICT Support Team to protect their managed Windows computers is called “Sophos Endpoint Security and Control, version 9.5”, or simply “Endpoint 9.5”.
2. Roll-out to Windows computers managed by the ICT Support Team
During the roll-out the installation is mostly silent, but some small progress windows will flash up briefly during update activity towards the end.
The whole installation should be finished in around 10 minutes.
Depending on the configuration of your computer you will see some or all of the following icons and notifications during and after the installation and auto-update processes. It is important that if the “Your computer might be at risk” message / icon is not cleared automatically within a few minutes that you log an Incident with the helpdesk at itsupport@ict.ox.ac.uk