
In their infinite wisdom, Microsoft have enabled the Clipchamp service plan – by default – for academic licences prior to the necessary back-end functionality being in-place to provide that service. Until this is resolved it should be expected that Clipchamp … Continue reading

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Gmail and bulk-sending: tighter enforcement now live

If you are bulk-sending to Gmail you need to be fully aware of their sender guidelines. Be aware that non-compliance with these rules will now result in messages being sent to spam folders, at best, or rejected, at worst. There … Continue reading

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SPF, DKIM, and DMARC: no longer optional for bulk-sending

Last October Google announced that they would be tightening up their standards for what is acceptable in terms of large quantities of email from a single sending domain. Yahoo! made a similar announcement at the same time. The first key point … Continue reading

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Considerations for migrating into Nexus365

Every migration is different, so the best method will differ too.  But the use of standard protocols, and Microsoft’s vested interest in getting more people onto their platform, mean that migrating into  Nexus365 is usually straightforward, reliable, and simple.   … Continue reading

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DKIM and DMARC: first results

To improve delivery of our outgoing email DKIM and DMARC were enabled for the domain on Thursday 16th November, as a proof-of-concept that these technologies are beneficial and don’t create new message delivery issues. Generally it’s SPF records that are … Continue reading

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We don’t do software licence subscriptions

Sorry about that.

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Teams Rooms licence changes

We are currently in a ‘grace period’ where Microsoft allows Teams Rooms devices without a valid device-specific licence to still continue to work. This represents an extension of 90 days from the original deadline, which was going to be 1st … Continue reading

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Basic Authentication: ONE WEEK NOTICE

Approximately 7 days from today, Microsoft are going to permanently turn off basic authentication in the Nexus365 tenancy. You should only be affected if you have already received a notification from IT Services, which was sent to all identifiable people who … Continue reading

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Improved Message Recall

If you have ever sent an email only to realise – after sending – that there’s a reason why you shouldn’t have sent it, Microsoft have some good-ish news for you. Message Recall is being updated. Historically the ‘recall message’ … Continue reading

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Office365: Pre-emptively disabling Basic Authentication

For the steps to follow I can recommend this guide from Practice Protect and this one from Microsoft. There is some confusion about the way that these commands are implemented, with inconsistent behaviour noted, so it’s sensible to follow all … Continue reading

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