Office365: Pre-emptively disabling Basic Authentication

For the steps to follow I can recommend this guide from Practice Protect and this one from Microsoft.
There is some confusion about the way that these commands are implemented, with inconsistent behaviour noted, so it’s sensible to follow all of the advice even when it seems redundant.

Example: The documentation says to run these commands:


(to find the name of the existing authentication policy).

Replace <AuthenticationPolicyName> with the value from the previous step, and then run the following command:

Set-AuthenticationPolicy -Identity "<AuthenticationPolicyName>" -AllowBasicAuthReportingWebServices:$false -AllowBasicAuthOutlookService:$false

The previous command affects new mailboxes that you’ll create, but not existing mailboxes. To apply the policy to existing mailboxes, use the <AuthenticationPolicyName> value…

Testing reveals that on an IMAP connection to a mailbox this setting sometimes blocks existing accounts and sometimes it doesn’t.  Other Universities’ IT Staff have reported a similar outcome: testing with Thunderbird occasionally permitting mailbox access after multiple connection attempts. In other words these settings variably affect existing accounts, contrary to the guidance.

The sensible solution seems to be to disregard any odd outcomes you may observe during testing and simply follow the published guidance as if no anomalous behaviour was noted: set a DefaultAuthenticationPolicy at the organisation level and set an AuthenticationPolicy on every user.



Thanks to SysAdmins at UEA and University of Dundee for their observations on the Jiscmail mailing list which contributed to this post.

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What’s new in Teams?

Microsoft have announced quite a few upcoming enhancements to Teams – here’s a brief overview of some of the new features you can expect to see.

Excel Live

All meeting participants can view and edit a workbook in real time, during the meeting itself. Excel Live also supports Sheet Views, allowing you to sort or filter without disrupting others.

Available for public preview: August
More information

Collaborative Annotations

This allows you to draw, type, or react on top of content being shared in a meeting – if ‘annotation mode’ is enabled. This is powered by the whiteboard functionality.

Available for public preview: August
More information

Enhanced Teams Rooms Devices

Camera optimisations are aimed at remote meeting participants and use AI capabilities within the device’s camera(s), allowing multiple video streams and allowing in-room attendees to show up in individual feeds – allowing you to see and interact with everyone in the room more effectively.

Enhancements to displays allow options for personalised calling, more meaningful eye-contact, and the option to use a room’s display as a second monitor.

Webinar Enhancements

Webinar changes now have options to show more personal info about the speaker (company name, job title, etc.), theming to match Oxford’s branding, the ability to set capacity limits, and easier custom questions (including an option to obtain consent for event-specific terms and conditions).

Available in public preview: next month
More information

Shared Channels

‘Teams Connect’ allows multiple organisations to share and collaborate on files without the need to switch between tenancies. Enhancements include more channels, support for shared-channel apps, improved reporting, and enhanced messaging experience for external users.

Available generally from this month.
More information

Chat enhancements

Chat now supports the option for you to record a short video message within a chat, rather than just typing plain text. For note-taking or memos there is also now a ‘chat with self’ facility and additional ‘reaction’ options (from August). Integration with LinkedIn and Dynamics are now also options.

Available generally from September.

Teams Phone

Microsoft have now announced a Digital Contact Centre Platform which adds features like ‘swarming’ to the existing contact centre and compliance-recording.

Operator Connect allows PSTN services to be enabled within Teams, if you have a participating operator – BT are on the list. Later this year this option will allow your mobile phone’s number to be set as your Teams number.

By the end of this month you should also be able to use native Bluetooth devices with Teams, including – where buttons and/or software to do so exist – answer, hold, mute or end calls. You may also be able to raise a hand during a meeting, or join a meeting directly from the device. The first certified device is the Surface Headphones 2.

More information

Updates in Teams

Allows you to create, submit, and review items without leaving or switching within Teams. This could be used for things like check-ins, shift handovers, incident reports, holiday approvals, or maintenance requests. This is already generally available.

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KeePass and Multifactor Authentication

One of the frustrations of modern security is the imposition of more onerous user-verification requirements. The benefits of the University introducing Multifactor Authentication (‘MFA’) are well-proven, but it does add a further step that can be inconvenient. In an effort to make life a little bit easier, and following a debate about this area on our IT Discussion mail-list, I share the following advice.

Using a password manager is an essential step in keeping secure. KeePass is an excellent example of the genre and my personal favourite. The latest version has also added a feature that promises to make life that little bit easier: it can act as your MFA authentication app.

I’m assuming that you already have a KeePass entry for your SSO logon, with an auto-type entry set. If not, here’s the auto-type syntax that I use:

The steps to allow KeePass to also handle your MFA are as follows:

1.Visit and, yes, log yourself in.

2. Click ‘add sign-in method’:





3. Choose ‘Authenticator App’ from the list:






4. Microsoft will recommend their own Authenticator application, but click instead on ‘I want to use a different authenticator app’:






5. You’ll need to have KeePass installed and running shortly, but at this stage you can just click ‘Next’:






6. You’re presented with a QR code, as most apps are mobile-based and can use a phone camera. Ignore the QR code and click ‘can’t scan image’:






7. The page will create a security key code, with a ‘copy to clipboard’ button next to it. Click on that:






8. Switch to KeyPass, right-click your entry for your University SSO account, select ‘Edit Entry (Quick)’, then ‘OTP Generator settings’. You’ll get a dialogue box. Paste the security code into the ‘shared secret’ field. No other values need to be changed, so then click ‘OK’:









9. When prompted for your MFA authentication code, ask KeyPass to copy that to the clipboard for you:






10.  In the ‘Enter Code’ window, just right-click and ‘Paste’:









I’m hoping that future revisions of KeePass will make this even easier*, but this is a great step forward and makes a useful app that little bit better still.


The syntax for KeePass to autocomplete your username, password, and MFA code is:




The previous autotype string was no longer working, but this reinstates it:

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Teams SharePoint sites

Underneath a Microsoft Team there is a SharePoint site which stores the Team’s data. You can think of Teams as a veneer on a SharePoint site, or ‘edited highlights’ of it. But the key thing is that Teams thinks it’s in charge. It created the SharePoint site, and it wants to manage what happens there. Editing the site behind a Team is the electronic equivalent of breaking into someone’s house and moving things around while they’re asleep. And hoping that they don’t notice what you’ve done when they wake up. If they do see what’s happened you can be sure they’re not going to be happy about it.

We  understand that it can be very tempting to consider bypassing the Team and going straight to SharePoint to make changes. All the data is there. It’s just sooo accessible. There are even lots of people out there telling you precisely how to do make changes there, and encouraging you to try (probably while secretly giggling: they know what can happen).

Our advice is simple: resist the temptation. Be strong.

Since we have had another support ticket today from someone who broke their Team, let’s go over some of the reasons behind our well-trodden warning once more.

Because Teams is a layer on top of SharePoint, changes at the back-end mean that Teams doesn’t necessarily see what it’s expecting. It’s a big ask for error-correcting code within Teams to understand every possible back-end change, correct for it, and display your content as if nothing had happened. It’s nice that you have so much confidence in the product! You might be fortunate and make changes that Teams doesn’t notice. But that’s a big risk to take with your data. If Teams does notice – and there’s every chance it will – you should be prepared that it will have broken the relationship between Teams and SharePoint entirely. Bear in mind too that Teams is constantly being improved, patched, and updated. A change that Teams copes with today may be one that breaks your site tomorrow: keep in mind that Teams thinks that it owns and manages the site storing its data.

Let’s take one simple example – today’s real-world one – someone had renamed the site and the home page of a Teams SharePoint site. Teams is looking for the original unaltered address –  Teams created the site, thinks it’s in charge of it, and hasn’t been informed of any changes. Suddenly it finds a coup has taken place! The directions it’s following lead nowhere. Your site is now broken.

Teams does what it can to interpret and correct for this but it’s doomed to fail. Even reverting your changes is not guaranteed to fix things, since it can be difficult to precisely undo every change completely. So the solution is to rescue what you can from SharePoint, delete the broken Team, and start again with a new Team that isn’t estranged from its home site.




SharePoint behind Teams: leave it alone; it should only be managed by the Teams app.
SharePoint on premises: going out of support imminently; please move your content.
SharePoint online: this is the one you can make changes to. 🙂

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Office 365 Personal Bookings Pages: coming soon

Microsoft intend for Personal Bookings to be another way to allow people to interact with your calendar. So if you’ve used Microsoft Bookings in the past you may well feel you’re already up to speed with the idea – but they are very definitely not the same.

This feature is intended to eliminate the back-and-forth of trying to find a timeslot to meet with someone. The idea is that you choose to make times available, and then can publish that availability yourself. You will be in full control of what, if anything, is made available to book.


Once this feature is rolled out you will be able to configure it either at or in Outlook Web App’s settings (search for ‘personal’).

Organisations which have access to early previews and beta releases will already be seeing this functionality, with it being made available from mid April 2022. The rest of us will have to wait until June 2022, according to Microsoft’s roadmap.

Meeting types

By default you’ll be offering a 30 minute online Teams meeting, although this can of course be changed. The options you can configure include duration, minimum and maximum amounts of warning you’ll get in advance, location (if not an online Teams meeting), and of course your selected availability. You’ll also be able to share direct URL links to a particular meeting type that you’ve created.


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Last call for Basic Authentication

“Basic Auth is still one of, if not the most common ways our customers get compromised, and these types of attacks are increasing.” ~Microsoft Exchange Team

Basic Authentication is the prompt for username/password that we’re all familiar with. You’ve probably filled in that info millions of times. But it’s no longer good enough. It doesn’t support multifactor verification, it isn’t good at coping with brute-force attacks, and the application you use needs to explicitly know what your username and password are.

The alternative is Modern Authentication. This uses the Active Directory Authentication Library and OAuth 2.0 protocols. Your apps no longer need to store your credentials, instead relying on time-limited tokens – plus of course they permit the use of multifactor authentication for further confirmation you’re the legitimate account-holder.

In Nexus365’s console we see Basic Authentication logins as ‘legacy authentication clients’ in our logs. And the thing about anything that starts to be described as ‘legacy’ is that it is going to fall out of support. Microsoft have delayed that date before but the security vulnerabilities of doing nothing have forced their hand. They have announced that they will start forcibly turning off support for Basic Authentication in Office365 tenancies, starting from 1st October 2022. All tenancies will have Basic Authentication disabled by the end of the year.

This means that we need to be ready. There are fewer than 150 days to go. We can’t ask them where we will be in the list, and we can’t ask them to postpone. So we have to assume that Basic Authentication will cease to be supported from 1st October. We might get a few more days than that, but we might not.

Supported Clients

Outlook 2013 – the oldest client which can use Modern Authentication, in the form of OAuth 2.0. This requires registry tweaks
(HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\Identity (EnableADAL = 1 and Version = 1😉

Outlook 365; Outlook 2016; Outlook 2019 – Modern Authentication is supported out-of-the-box. For a very slight speed improvement you can tell the app to attempt Modern Authentication connections first. Further details here:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Exchange  – Set a value: AlwaysUseMSOAuthForAutoDiscover = 1

Basic Authentication will also be turned off for the following protocols:

  • MAPI
  • RPC
  • OAB
  • EWS
  • POP
  • IMAP
  • Remote Powershell

SMTP AUTH will not be turned off, however, unless nobody in our tenancy is using it.

What will happen if I do nothing?

Applications which rely on Basic Authentication will no longer be able to connect. You’ll see HTTP 401 error: ‘bad username or password’.

What should I do?

Reconfigure your apps to use Modern Authentication. For example both POP and IMAP can use OAuth but you need an app that’s current enough to be aware of OAuth. This also applies to EWS apps and ActiveSync – the protocols can support Modern Authentication but may need to be modified to make a request that isn’t Basic Authentication after September. If you have Teams Rooms devices, bear these factors in mind.

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Microsoft Feedback

We regularly get support tickets in our help system asking us to ‘ask Microsoft to…’ or ‘request Microsoft fix this’ which, in the past, have been difficult to fulfil. Microsoft have attempted to improve user input and feedback via the UserVoice system, which allowed people to vote for their preferred changes/improvements. The number of votes gave Microsoft a clear view of where they should best target their development effort.

Now the process has been refined further. UserVoice has been replaced with the Feedback Portal. There is also documentation on how this works here. In general though, if you have clicked the ‘Feedback to Microsoft’ or the ‘I have a suggestion’ boxes in any of your Office applications, you are actually sending this directly to Microsoft. There is therefore no need to log a ticket for us to do this for you and in fact to do so will simply delay them receiving your request.

The portal allows you to see, edit, and delete, any of your previous feedback should you change your mind.

Microsoft have stated that while not every bit of feedback can be guaranteed to be actioned, the data is sent to the relevant product teams and it should all get evaluated.  There are several responses you should expect to see to any feedback you’ve given, which include letting you know it’s being worked on, or requesting additional information. The feedback portal does also allow you to give feedback on itself, if you feel that it too can be improved.

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Leavers’ Process

If you have staff who will be leaving your department you need to consider all of the services that staff member may have used. They may well be owners of shared files, of automated scripts, they might be the manager of a mail-list, and they might own a vital shared mailbox.

There are so many things to consider that IT Services have compiled a list that you can check (requires SSO to view) – and you should begin planning at least a month before the staff member’s last day. Trying to reinstate or recover content afterwards is not straightforward and, in many cases, can’t be done.

Here’s the link:

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Teams and maillists

After resolving a confusing support ticket we have identified that some University members were adding maillists to Teams: please do not ever try to add a maillist email address to a Team. It won’t do what you want and it has adverse effects.

Why? In part it’s because the Maillist service (Sympa) and Nexus365 are entirely separate. There is no integration at all – they’re run as separate services and they’re managed by different staff within IT Services. We believe that what is happening is someone assumes that adding a maillist’s address to a Team would be a quick and simple way to populate it.

It isn’t, and it doesn’t.

Here’s why:
  1. Maillist/Sympa is an external organisation, as far as Nexus365 is concerned. Any maillist address you add is treated like any other external user account with a non-nexus address. Teams (and other Nexus365 services) do not see a maillist’s address as a bulk list of users. It has no way to expand the list and see its membership. Instead, Nexus365 would assume that you are adding ONE user. It is entirely unaware that the email address you’re adding has any connection with a bulk senders list.
  2. Anyone in the maillist can receive the welcome email from Teams which invites them to join the Team, whether or not they’re part of the University.

This is where the problem begins, particularly if – as has happened in a few of the examples we’ve looked into – that user attempts to specify their own Oxford address as the recipient address for this external account. This is not something we can limit without hindering external collaboration in Teams works for the whole University.

When you add a maillist to a Team, what you’ve actually done is generate a code for that user to join your team, but which has now been emailed to the maillist’s entire membership. So under these circumstances anyone can use that code and take up that presence in your team rather than the genuine Nexus365 account. This causes a conflict which we have to unpick (by deleting the errant account entry).

The maillist account only becomes seriously problematic in a Team IF someone receives the invite, AND goes through the process to validate and join that account in teams. A Team Owner can remove the errant entry (which will show as an external user) from your Team themselves, without IT Services’ intervention. We only need to be involved if a maillist member has responded to the welcome message. 
N.B. To prevent this specific issue recurring the Nexus Team are now pre-emptively blocking the addition of the University’s maillist domain names from being added to a Team’s membership.
If you want to bulk add users to a team, consider using the methods detailed in the Power Automate (Flow) User Group Thread. Microsoft is working on a method of using .CSV imports for Teams and group memberships but there has been no news yet on a date for release. In the meantime the PowerAutomate “join to group” or “Join to team” methods are the only ones available.
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Outlook 2013: last call to keep up with minimum requirements

After 1st November 2021 the oldest supported version of Outlook that will be able to connect to Nexus365 services is Outlook 2013 – as long as it has updates and fixes on top. The number of the oldest supported version is 15.0.4971.1000 (Service Pack 1 with the October 2017 Update).

Microsoft are blocking older versions because of the following reasons:

  • Support for basic authentication is ending, as a way to improve the security of your mailbox’s content.
  • Microsoft are moving towards HTTP/2 – which uses full-duplex communications to decrease latency. Improved header compression and multiplexing help improve throughput even further.
  • Newer versions of Outlook crash less often: Outlook’s reporting means that many of the most frequent causes of crashes have been identified and fixed.
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