The RunCoCo team helped run the first submissions day for the Europeana project “Erster Weltkrieg in Alltagsdokumenten” (The First World War in everyday documents), on 31 March 2011. This was held at the DNB – the German National Library (die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek), Frankfurt.

The interior glass walls of the venue provide excellent line of sight to draw in participants (and the curious)
The training day (blog here) gave an indication of what to expect, but the hands-on experience gained by the librarians able to stay on and help the DNB run their submissions day will have been invaluable.

Everett Sharp (seated) and Dr Stuart Lee (both Oxford University) help German librarians and historians prioritise and prepare a private collection for digitisation

Dr Christian Horn and Dr Britta Woldering (both from DNB), in control of the welcome desk, meeting the participants and introducing the work-flow

Participants discuss their family's papers with Jon Purday (centre-right), Europeana and Dr Max Schreiber (right), of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich

A participant (centre) is interviewed and recorded by Michael Kassube of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich (left) and Dr Stephen Bull (military historian, from the RunCoCo team)

Another view of the venue as Valentine Charles (left) and Jon Purday (right) - both Europeana - head off on separate missions

Dr Stuart Lee (Oxford) shows the digitisation processes to Max Schreiber, rear, (from Bayerische Staatsbibliothek) and Benjamin Hirschfeld, a historian from Württembergische Landesbibliothek / Bibliothek für Zeitgeschichte

Submissions forms are catalogued by George (from Württembergische Landesbibliothek / Bibliothek für Zeitgeschichte)

As the event draws to a close the whole team receive a lift as a contributor staggers in bearing the helmets, medals, bayonet and other mementoes from his grandfather
More stories and photos follow! We’re updating our progress on this blog and on Twitter, follow #Europeana and @RunCoCo!
[…] with their material for the team to digitise on the spot. This started in Frankfurt, 31 March 2011 (blog here) for Europeana […]
[…] mentioned in the last photo from the last blog, one man’s effects were brought in right at the end of the day. Alun Edwards, RunCoCo, […]