BBC gallery: Welsh Voices of the Great War Online

For Armistice Day 2010, BBC Wales published a slideshow of images from the Welsh Voices of the Great War Online collection. The 26 images in the slideshow were selected from the growing collection being gathered by the Welsh Voices project.

The Welsh Voices project is funded by JISC and will be collecting memorabilia from the Great War until February 2011.

Welsh Voices of the Great War Online is a digital community heritage project established and co-ordinated by the School of History & Archaeology at Cardiff University which will run until February 2011. The project seeks to gather, catalogue and make public an undiscovered treasure trove of World War 1 artefacts and memorabilia which remain in private hands. (from the Welsh Voices website)

To learn more about the project and how to contribute, please visit the  Welsh Voices of the Great War Online website. You can also read about it in the RunCoCo blog. Gethin Matthews from the project has presented at RunCoCo workshops and you can find his presentations via the pages for the 27 July event and 3 Nov event. The BBC slideshow can be seen on the BBC Wales History website.

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