Autograph book belonging to nurse Aline Mary Capp. http://europeana1914-1918.eu/en/contributions/5131 CC BY-SA Catherine Mellor
The Constructing Scientific Communities project, part of the AHRC’s Science in Culture theme, is inviting proposals for citizen science or ‘citizen humanities’ projects to be developed as part of the Zooniverse.org platform. Proposals are welcome from researchers whose work would benefit from the active participation of tens or even hundreds of volunteers: (details including proposal form NB deadline July 25th 2014).
This is exactly the sort of project which RunCoCo (from the University of Oxford) has supported in the past, if you would like to find out more about how we can help see our free resources.
Now I’ve just got to find the time to submit a proposal about the hundreds of thousands of resources in the Europeana 1914-1918 website, user-generated content (like the autograph book – right – belonging to nurse Aline Mary Capp) as well as the professionally digitised content from national institutions from across Europe.
This is a cross-post from Enhancing Education blog.