Cross-posted from the blog for the Engage programme: Digital technologies for public engagement, knowledge exchange and impact (University of Oxford)
Crowdsourcing is an increasingly popular concept, and crowdsourcing projects appear in many areas. As part of the 2016 Engage program, we will be running a panel session around the question of how crowdsourcing can be used for outreach and public engagement.
When: 4 March, 2-4pm
Where: Thames Suite, IT Services, 13 Banbury Rd
In the session, we will be hearing about a range of crowdsourcing projects, from small-scale projects run by a single individul to large projects involving a team of researchers and thousands of contributors. We will explore how projects have engaged with their audiences and what impact that has had. There will be time for discussion and opportunity to share thoughts and experiences, both in the session and over coffee afterwards.
To book a place, please register at the IT Training Courses website
- Dr. Fiona Whelan, Graduate Trainee
Medieval Texts Translation Project - Dr. Grant Miller, Special Projects & Communications Lead
Zooniverse - Kate Lindsay, Manager for Education Enhancement
The Great War Archive - Dr. Kathryn Eccles, Digital Humanities Champion
Your Paintings