Virgil Solis. By Aria Nadii CC BY-NC-ND via Flickr
We are happy to work with researchers interested in the field of digital humanities: the use of digital tools and methodologies to the study of humanities subjects.
We can advise on:
- Digital humanities tools and methodologies, including software selection and use
- Managing your digital humanities research data
- Funding opportunities for digital humanities
- Information about relevant activities in other universities and domains
- Conferences, workshops and training opportunities related to digital humanities
- Appropriate international standards or communities of practice in numerous domains
We can help by:
- Providing advisory sessions to help plan and carry out your research
- Reading and providing feedback on technical aspects of funding proposals
- Running training events or workshops
- Linking you up with other colleagues using similar methods
- Participating in digital humanities research projects
We have a long history of involvement in external activities such as creating, sustaining and preserving digital data, reviewing papers and funding proposals, advising funders and policy makers, organising conferences and workshops, developing standards and guidelines, and participating as digital specialists in research projects.
We are always happy to receive enquiries. Please contact us at researchsupport@it.ox.ac.uk.
Please visit the Digital Humanities at Oxford site for more information about Digital Humanities at Oxford; events and training, research, people and projects, and more.