do: Chorus – How Chorus will change the way you communicate

Everyone across the University who uses a phone will be migrated to the new Chorus service, between April 2016 and the end of 2017. How will this affect the way you communicate and work with colleagues? Come along to our do: talk and find out!

In this do: talk, we’ll provide a live demonstration of how Chorus works across computers and mobile devices, showing some its new features and functions. We will also discuss the migration process, and you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions about the Chorus migration and the changes it will bring.

Chorus replaces the University’s existing telephone systems with a new, modern service that supports mobile devices such as laptops and smartphones, video and voice conference calls, instant messaging and online presence, easy access to voicemail through a web browser, and collaborative working tools.

Speaker: Alan Williamson
 w  Listen to the recorded talk (audio only)

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