Dear Turnitin users at Oxford
We received the message below from the Turnitin suppliers. Note that no action is required at the moment – this is simply advance warning that those of you who access TurnitinUK through their website will need to use a different route after they implement the domain change. Those of you who use Turnitin via WebLearn will need to take no action.
From the Turnitin suppliers (received 6 Jan 2015):
As you are a TurnitinUK user we are writing to advise you that Jisc, the registrar for the domain, have requested that we move the service to a new domain no later than mid-May 2015. [Deadline since extended to 31 Dec 2015.]
It is important to note that we will not be switching across to a new domain just yet. If your account users access TurnitinUK direct through our website please continue to log into the TurnitinUK service as normal via
You should see minimal disruption to the service, and there is nothing you need to do just yet. More information regarding the switchover will be supplied in the coming weeks.
Kind Regards
Turnitin Team