The next Turnitin user group meeting will be held on Friday 28th September 2012 from 2–4pm at IT Services (formerly OUCS) 13 Banbury Road.
At the meeting we would like to learn about departmental and divisional policies on plagiarism procedures in order to identify areas for collaboration and clarification. We are interested in such questions as:
* When is Turnitin used?
* Who uses it/puts the papers through?
* Are all papers submitted or a sample?
* How do you use or adapt the sample Declaration of Authorship?
* What happens if an alleged plagiarism offence occurs?
* Are there local procedures which can be applied or do all cases go to the Proctors?
* Does your division/department/college have a written policy on plagiarism and/or plagiarism checking?
We would like you to bring your departmental procedure(s)/policy along to the group so that we can share ideas. These will inform the guidance and any possible policies that we as the service providers of Turnitin may need to produce.
We hope you will be able to join us.
Booking is required for the user group meeting.