Did you know that the Lecture Capture team has prepared a template in the WebLearn Surveys tool, to enable departments or lecturers to collect student feedback about how students use recorded lectures, what their preferences are, and how recordings contribute to their learning.
The standard survey is made available from 1 September to 31 August each year. Here is a link to a PDF version of the questionnaire, for you to preview the content and format of the 13 core questions provided.

You may create your own survey based on the template. Full instructions on how to copy and modify the template, or to build your survey using the existing template, are provided in the Lecture Capture (Replay) site.
Here are some of the positive comments collected from students in previous academic years:
- “I can watch the lecture at home at my own pace to make sure I understand everything and take my notes at the same time.”
- “If I find a concept difficult or have a momentary concentration lapse I can go back a few minutes and watch that bit again. I can also pause to make sure I understand something.”
- “I can pause and read the slides/writing so that I understand it before moving on (especially if handwriting is difficult to understand).”
- “I can make sure I don’t miss anything out because the lecturer goes too fast, and make better notes because I have more time. I can also add to the notes I take during the actual lectures with helpful things they say but don’t write down.”
- “If I am ill or there is a clash that means I can’t attend, having recorded lectures means I don’t fall behind.”
If you have any questions about the student feedback survey or how to implement it, contact replay@it.ox.ac.uk