Exam Panic Mobile Website – Take 5

IT Innovation ChallengesStaff project based in Student Welfare and Support Services

Trinity term 2015

For more information, see http://exampanic.co.uk/


Exam panic is a particular experience of acute stress with symptoms that can include cognitive, affective and physiological symptoms caused by the trigger of upcoming examinations. The University of Oxford Counselling Service would like to develop a mobile website to help students manage and reduce exam panic. If successful, this could be further developed into an app. Students would have access to a wide range of tailored, succinct, practical, accessible and Informed information and exercises taken from evidence-based research including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, mindfulness and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. The main focus of the mobile website is to have access to reassuring key information and exercises quickly, efficiently and on demand utilising a friendly and welcoming format and tone.

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