IT Innovation Challenges advent calendar 2019
Looking for a different kind of present this year? Why not support one of the crowdfunding initiatives run at the University through OxReach? By sponsoring a project, you help students, academics and staff to translate the ideas that they are passionate about into reality. You can donate as little or much as you like, knowing that the funds you give support Oxford research which can make a difference.
Some successful projects that could run thanks to crowdfunding through the OxReach platform include:
- LIFE: using low-cost smartphones to give healthcare workers in Africa the knowledge they need to provide life-saving treatment to mothers and newborns. https://oxreach.hubbub.net/p/LIFEproject/
- Greater Change: developing a mobile phone app that will enable the general public to make secure, cashless donations to support the homeless. https://oxreach.hubbub.net/p/GreaterChange/
- ‘Lest We Forget’: saving the past for the future by helping local communities capture objects and memories from the First World War. https://oxreach.hubbub.net/p/lestweforget/
- Africa Clubfoot Training Project: transforming the lives of children in Africa through clubfoot training for healthcare workers https://oxreach.hubbub.net/p/clubfoot/
- Smart Handpumps: improving the sustainability of water supplies in rural Africa by developing infrastructure to captureand share information about broken handpumps via 4G.
Members of the University can use OxReach to seek financial support for high-impact philanthropic projects and ideas that they are most passionate about. In addition to the actual platform, OxReach also provides advice and guidance for how to run a successful campaign. The OxReach panel selects the projects that can use the platform based on a number of factors including suitability, goals, and commitment by the project team. More information on the OxReach site: https://oxreach.hubbub.net/
OxReach was established by Oxford University Innovation, with the support of IT Innovation Challenges.