Hydra: Token authentication

Hydra is the name for the central IPAM at the University of Oxford. To those of you that did not know this, I will suggest that you may stop reading further as this blog post is not for you.

Right, since you’re still reading, I assume you know about Hydra and are interested enough to know about its changes and developments. This blog post will lay out one new development in particular: a new means of authentication named tokens.

This post goes into a fair bit of detail, but if you want to skip to the Conclusion section at the end, there should be a fairly concise summary.

1. Prerequisite knowledge: authentication vs authorization

Skip this section if you know the difference between these two words within the context of access control.

With a computer interface with any degree of access control, the system needs to verify who you are. This is authentication [authN]. Traditionally this has been done using a shared secret, a password. These days more modern and fancier mechanisms exist such as biometrics and multifactor authentication, but these are just different means to the same end: can you prove who you say you are?

Post authentication the system knows you’re you.  Now, it needs to know what you are authorized to do, or what you’re allowed to read or change. This unsurprisingly is authorization [authZ].

AuthZ and authN are two distinct processes but sometimes they have been merged together, and lines have blurred. Microsoft’s Active Directory springs to mind. In Hydra they are distinct subsystems.

2. History: Hydra, stats and SPNEGO authentication

Ever since Hydra went live, its API has been a very prominent part of the service. There is nothing that you can do in the user interface that is not possible using the API, and for those of you out there who have made use of the API, thank you! We appreciate that it is being used.

To put some numbers out there, there have been 411 “users” (I write “users” in quotes to mean the union of human users and API users) who have updated entries in Hydra. Of those “users”, 5 have been API users. Doesn’t sound like much, but the number of transactions is a bit different: these 5 users account for 39% of all transactions within the system!

Hydra’s authZ database is a join of two data sources, Groupstore and Hydra’s own databases. Groupstore handles the creation of Groups and the assignment of users to them. Hydra then has a mechanism to pull the data into its own database, and augment it with domains and subnet associations to said Groups. Further, ACLs are assigned to DNS zones, but I mention that only for completeness.

On the authN side, currently, the method used depends on what kind of access is being requested. Human users use Shibboleth, and machine API calls use SPNEGO.

Now, the authN system that underpins the API is a tried and tested one shared by other systems, including CUD and SAVANT. This SPNEGO system has some alluring advantages, particularly at the time of Hydra’s introduction:

  1. It made use of the same backend authN (not authZ) database used by users at the time.
  2. The “users” that can authenticate are visible and assignable to Groups in Groupstore. Adding and removing “users” to groups is an identical process for the two types of user.

However, there is this feeling that SPNEGO authentication is rather heavyweight, and it favours Unix-like clients (surprising given that SPNEGO’s first implementation was Microsoft’s!) Whether that feeling is justified or not is not going to be discussed further, but it’s not escaped our notice in the Network Support and Development team that this sentiment exists. Perhaps the 5 Hydra API users is a testament to SPNEGO’s daunting reputation!

As such, we will be hoping to introduce Basic Authentication to Hydra as an additional authN mechanism, called tokens. These tokens’ authZ are totally managed outside of Groupstore and thus do not have the same fine-grained level of control as “users” do.

  1. Each token is only associated with one group. You cannot affiliate one token with multiple groups, not by direct association nor by indirect inheritance.
  2. Tokens can be created, and destroyed. There are no mechanisms by which you can modify an existing token.
  3. Tokens cannot be used for user UI access, or said another way, tokens will only grant the holder API access.

3. Token constraints: masks

If Basic Authentication was all I had to say about tokens, then this blog post could probably have just been a few lines in an email. However, the self imposed limitations above allow us to do something that up until this point has been impossible: further constrain a token by use of masks.

When you create a token, which at creation time is associated to a Group, you will have the opportunity to assign the following masks:

  • Hostname mask
  • IP mask
  • Content mask
  • Target mask

With these masks set wide open, this token will have the same permissions as any “user” in the group. However, the utility comes where these values are set to either blank, in which case the creation of any record of a particular type is impossible, or to some other value, thus constraining the records that can be created.

As an aside, you may be thinking that the word “mask” isn’t accurate here, as these permissions are not based on binary values, and you would be correct. However, I hope some sloppy, but acknowledged, terminology doesn’t get in the way of understanding the core principles of what this system gives you, which is a fairly powerful self-service permissions system. It’s also a word that is close enough to a correct term, and all the other good words were taken!

Some examples may be helpful here:

3.0.1. Example 1: Same permissions as any “user” in the group.

  • hostname: %
  • ip:,::/0
  • content: %
  • target: %

Note that there are additional checks outside these masks, and so even with these fully permissive values the token will be constrained by the permissions of the zones and of the Group in which it belongs.

3.0.2. Example 2: An A record for any hostname within the group

  • hostname: %
  • ip:
  • content: [blank]
  • target: [blank]

Note that creation of CNAME, TXT records will not be permitted with these masks. Also no AAAA (IPv6) records are permitted.

3.0.3. Example 3: SPF records for example.org. and example.com.

  • hostname: %.example.(org|com).
  • ip: [blank]
  • content: v=spf1 %
  • target: [blank]

Note that if this token is placed in a group which does not have permissions to edit either example.org or example.com, then this token is incapable of doing anything.

3.0.4. Example 4: SRV records pointing to example.org.

This example is more complicated:

  • hostname: _%.(tls|tcp|udp).%
  • ip: [blank]
  • content: [blank]
  • target: example.org.

Three main points about this example:

This hostname mask is imperfect: the first “%” could include a ’.’ thus breaking the format of an SRV record. To be truly restrictive you would need to use character classes, which I leave as an exercise for the reader, especially since this is an unrealistic example already. For full details on the mask format, please see below.

Secondly, the target can only point to one value. You would not be able to point an SRV record to foo.example.org., for example. If you want that then the target mask needs to be %.example.org. Finally, there is only an implication that this is limited to SRV records. A CNAME record with the same hostname, target values would be just as valid and indeed would be accepted by Hydra. An MX record would be too, except that MX
records cannot begin with ’_’ so would be rejected for that reason.

4. Mask format

Let’s get the easy one out the way: the IP mask is a comma separated list of subnets. It currently only supports IPv4 and IPv6 subnets. Invalid entries (e.g. 0.0.x.0/24, FOOOOO) will be accepted as entries but will be silently ignored by the system at validation time.

For the remaining masks, hostname, content and target, the format uses PostgreSQL’s SIMILAR TO syntax. This, to me, seems to sit between the ease-of-use (if you can call it that) of SQL’s LIKE syntax, and the flexibility and power of regular expressions. To those of you who don’t immerse yourself in the PostgreSQL’s manual pages on a daily basis (you’re missing out), the syntax may be unfamiliar to you, or worse, be similar enough to SQL’s LIKE syntax that you mistake it for that when in fact it’s more flexible and powerful. However, it is hoped that the easy stuff is intuitive enough and that you can use this blog post and documentation as a guide, and failing that there is a whole wealth of non-Hydra-specific documentation on the syntax on the internet already.

As with most things, there’s a level of trust placed on the people creating the tokens, some of it obvious, some of it less so. This is a self service tool, where you can write your own mask. While testing of various inputs has been positive in terms of SIMILAR TO being resistent to ReDoS attacks, that is not an invitation to try! While I myself was not able to cause a timeout, that perhaps is more due to my own lack of imagination: PostgreSQL’s documentation itself warns that using SIMILAR TO is a potential vector for a DoS attack. As such, we will be monitoring the backend for malicious masks and all tokens will be forever associated with the username of the person who created it.

On the subject of performance, masks will only be referenced on record changes, because they are slow for lookups. Said another way, masks are not consulted for retrieving records. For most use-cases this will be fine, but it should be noted a token API request will be given all records belonging to its group regardless of masks, and such a token query may well provide a record that fails mask validations upon edit.

5. Who can create these masks, and what’s the timescale?

I said earlier that this functionality was completely detached from Groupstore, but in reality that was an oversimplification: If you are a manager of a Group in Groupstore, you will have the ability to create tokens for that group.

Much of the functionality is written and ready for deployment, but not all of it, and as such there is no firm release schedule. The reason that this blog post is being posted in advance of the feature’s (maybe) imminent release is that for those of you who are wishing to automate say ACME challenges, then a path of lower resistence and higher security is on the horizon, so please sit tight! Further firmer announcements will be made on the ict-a maillist. To start a discussion on the topic, please make use of the hydra-discuss maillist.

6. Conclusion

Hydra’s API, which up until now has been secured using SPNEGO authentication, will be augmented with a new method, Basic Authentication, using tokens. Further, these tokens may be further constrained by masks such that they may be shared with third parties while not exposing your entire IP and domain estate to them. The assignment of masks will be self-service.

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Hydra DHCP migration: what, when, why and how

This post assumes you know about the University’s central DHCP provision and have some interest in its migration to a new management platform.

Towards the end of 2019 the DNS management platform for University of Oxford migrated to a custom-built IPAM platform called Hydra. It was originally planned for the DHCP platform to be merged into the Hydra system within a year, but a few world events got in the way and things were delayed a little. However, we are now at the stage where some departments have already made the switchover to this new system with mercifully little drama. The process is reasonably straightforward and we are now taking the steps to wind down our old platform and give it the send off it deserves.

There is a dedicated help and support channel for pre- and post-migration – the Hydra DHCP Migration channel within the MS Teams ITSS Community team.  This will be open until the end of September.

Short overview of what’s happening if you’re in a rush

DHCP management platform is migrating from the old platform to a new one: Hydra, from 7-12 September 2023. Subnets which are configured to use the central DHCP service but haven’t used it recently (past three months) will not be migrated. All other subnets will be migrated and  you may need to take action:

  • Sanitise input data
  • Update helper addresses
  • Update firewalls and ACLs e.g. DHCP snooping

Why migrate?

This is a reasonable question with hopefully a reasonable answer. The current system is old, and its eccentricities have fossilised over the many years that it has provided good enough service. Hydra DHCP is promising to be a more resilient platform, and more importantly it is flexible enough to provide you, assuming you the reader have sufficient permissions, self-service facilities which until now have not been available:

  1. Changing DHCP pool size
  2. Modifying DHCP options
  3. Modifying an existing DHCP reservation rather than deleting, waiting 5 minutes, then creating.
  4. Modifying DNS records and DHCP reservations in a single page.
  5. Bulk modification of reservations

What is migrating?

Any subnet that is currently using the DHCP servers located at and will require migration to a new pair of IP helpers (, Not sure if your subnet will be migrated? You can check on the list of subnets on the Network Support and Development Team wiki.

What isn’t migrating?

On the old system is a lot of flotsam and jetsam: subnets that are no longer in use, or subnets that no longer use the central DHCP servers. We have made a judgement call that if there have been no leases given within a 3 month period, then they are to not to be migrated to the new system. The subnets are listed in our Wiki.

If you believe these subnets should be migrated, for example they are rarely rather than never used, then please get in contact with us as soon as possible.

When will the migration happen?

We will be making the current system read-only on Thursday 7 September 2023 at 10am. This will give us enough time to migrate the ~80 subnets before Tuesday 12 September, 10am, after which time we will have updated the DHCP helpers to point to the new system.

You are more than welcome to migrate prior to this date. Migrating before this will give you a much smaller change freeze as we port the data from the old platform to the new. Please get in touch if you would like to migrate earlier.

Do I need to do anything before of after the migration?

Maybe. How much action you need to take depends on your networking setup and your current reservation dataset. There are potentially three main actions to help ensure a smooth upgrade:

Data sanitisation

Hydra DHCP and the current system need a DHCP daemon to actually serve the clients with the data stored in their respective databases. We have taken the opportunity to switch the DHCP daemon from ISC DHCP to ISC Kea. What this particular change means for you is hopefully not very much, but the former accepts data that the latter rejects. Further, Hydra DHCP further constrains input data by rejecting reservations for an IP address with no corresponding DNS record.

To that end, there are reservation lists that are valid under the current system that will not be valid input for Hydra DHCP. We have made available a list of these subnets. For all migrating subnets, we have made available to you the raw data that will be input into Hydra. Its format is not that important, but what is important is if there is something that needs attention. These will be at the bottom of the file and hopefully easy enough to understand.

DHCP helper migration

This is documented in the migration process wiki page, but in short if you host the SVI (gateway) of your subnet, you will need to update the DHCP helper addresses. This should be done shortly after 12 September.

Firewall updates

There is a chance that we in Network Support and Development host the SVI of your subnet, but you in your college and department run ACLs such as DHCP snooping. If this is you, you will need to permit the new IP service addresses for DHCP:, During the migration window change freeze, please have all four addresses in place to aid the switchover.

How do you migrate?

The process is documented on the Networks Support and Development wiki. The steps were written when we were doing subnet-by-subnet migrations rather than the bulk migration mentioned above. This can still be you! Please do contact us if you want to migrate in advance of the old system switch-off, with all the benefits that entails.

As mentioned above, we have a list of subnets which will not migrate smoothly without human intervention. If you want the human to be someone in Netdev, we will resolve using the following algorithm:

  • Reservations without a corresponding DNS record will not be ported
  • Multiple reservations occupying the same IP address will be pruned, with the most recent reservation chosen
  • Similarly for multiple identical MAC reservations pointing at multiple IPs within the same subnet

I cannot stress enough that this may knock clients off your network! I would strongly recommend you eyeball the data we have on your subnets before the migration and make the necessary changes.

Post migration

After the migration process completes on 12 September, DHCP updates are made on the Hydra IPAM that you’ll have been using for DNS management these past few years.

There is help on using Hydra DHCP in the Hydra IPAM help section and a simple walk-through guide on the Networks wiki.

Summary of actions

Subnet’s router is on the FroDo

  1. look for and correct any errors in your subnet’s configuration data before 7 September: MS Teams > ITSS Community > Hydra DHCP Migration > Files > migration-output > $date > errors > $subnet.errors.txt
  2. if you have any firewall ACLs or switch config (e.g. DHCP snooping) that references and, add and

Subnet’s router is self-hosted

  1. look for and correct any errors in your subnet’s configuration data before 7 September: MS Teams > ITSS Community > Hydra DHCP Migration > Files > migration-output > $date > errors > $subnet.errors.txt
  2. if you have any firewall ACLs or switch config (e.g. DHCP snooping) that references and, add and
  3. change your router’s DHCP relay addresses (sometimes called IP helpers) from and to and at some point between the end of data migration on 12 September and the retirement of the legacy platform on 26 September


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eduroam 802.1X deviceauth refresh

Do you recognize the following web form?

Registration form for 802.1X devices against the RA RADIUS server

If you don’t then you can stop reading. If you do then, even if you haven’t had occasion to fill it in often, please read on as there are changes coming.

Above is the registration form to permit a device (probably a NAS but could be an individual AP; these are not laptops or phones) at a given IP to make RADIUS auth and acct requests against the central Remote Access RADIUS servers, the authentication mechanism currently used for University of Oxford eduroam accounts. The page also allows you to see your existing registrations and remove them.

Over the years this web page has been given the odd spruce but its roots as a CGI Perl script (thus referred to as the “CGI version” from now on) haven’t changed and it very much is a product of its generation. They haven’t changed yet, I should say.

Ready for an imminent release is a new page that will take over the duties of the existing form. It’s still written in Perl (because Perl is the best programming language in existence) but is now not based on CGI.pm, which is probably a good thing. Here’s the new form:

New registration form for 802.1X devices against the RA RADIUS server

Why should you care? Under normal circumstances we probably would just roll this out without much fanfare. However there are some necessary yet fundamental changes under the hood that probably will affect you. You need to know about them before we release it.


Perhaps the largest change that will affect you is permissions. The CGI version bases its ACLs around your ITSS affiliation. If you’re ITSS for Aardvark College say, then you have permission to add an IP address. What range of IP addresses are available for you, the ITSS of Aardvark, to add? Well this system is an old system so for reasons I will elaborate shortly, any IP address within the University will be accepted, belonging to any unit. That’s not ideal. [As an aside, please do not take the opportunity to register every one of our ~130k IP addresses, for jokes. I will know who you are, and I will come find you.]

Permission to deregister is similarly done by ITSS affiliation. Here you need to be a member of the unit that was assigned to the device at registration time. This makes it awkward when another ITSS accidentally registered something on your subnet range. In this case you can neither see the registration nor delete it. I should note that to the best of my knowledge this has not come up as an issue, and please let’s keep it that way.

At the heart of the problem is the fact that when this tool was originally written (decades ago) nothing existed that mapped a subnet to a college or department. Today though, a system exists which maps University subnets to Hydra Groups in Groupstore, and each unit (college and department) has a Hydra Group associated with them. So, can we just check you are an ITSS for the Group in question and carry on as before, adding constraints that you can only add IPs belonging to your Group? No, because there is a problem:  Groupstore contains more Hydra Groups than just those affiliated with units. In addition subnets have been assigned to teams within units (small case teams, not Microsoft Teams). These Groups exist outside of OakLDAP and thus do not have any ITSS.

The solution is fairly obvious: the Hydra Groups in Groupstore contain members which we can reuse. The downside is that not everyone who is an ITSS is in their unit’s Groupstore group. In practice I do not think this list will be large, but it needs explictly saying, hence the blog post.

Perhaps now is a good place to point out that Groupstore is a rather powerful and flexible beast. Inside its belly is a large chunk of CUD and OakLDAP data, and as such if you wish to have Groups dynamically update as, for example, your ITSS membership changes, that’s a one-off configuration change. Said another way, if you wish for a Group to contain the ITSS for a particular Unit, you inherit memberships and thereafter this Group will be up-to-date and you don’t need to do anything.

Summary: CGI system uses ITSS affiliation for ACLs. New system will check for Group membership in Groupstore, and also check permissions against the IP address being registered.


An overhaul of the system affords us to look at what’s not working with the current system. One thing is the proliferation of unused or abandoned registrations. We’ve made some efforts to highlight them where we can (a telltale sign is the lack of a DNS record) but it’s come to the stage when some kind of automated housekeeping is in order. Thus, with the new system, we will be removing registrations that have not contacted our central RADIUS servers within 120 days. If you wish to subsequently make use of RADIUS via that IP you will need to reregister.

In practice 120 days should be a large enough window to send something. I cannot imagine a NAS lying dormant that whole time.

Summary: Registrations will be autoremoved after 120 days of device inactivity.

Extra features

On their own, the following enhancements do not merit a blog post, but since you’re here and still reading, I will mention them:

  • The new page will allow you to bulk remove registrations. Just click the [X] next to the registrations you wish to remove and then confirm at the top of the page.
  • For the registration form, you will notice that there is now no option to select the unit/group. The group will be inferred based purely on the IP being registered.
  • Better error messages will tell you exactly what the problem is if you add an invalid IP address
  • Not relevant today, but the new system is IP version agnostic, although there are some issues currently around this still, the main one being we do not yet have a production IPv6 RADIUS service address.


The new system is done, tested and ready for deployment. If there is any comment or question that you wish to pass on then please do get in touch via the appropriate channels. We have nominally pencilled in 30th November 2022 for the upgrade, and this is coordinated in CR#20015059


To restate the summaries above:

  • RADIUS deviceauth registration currently uses ITSS affiliation for its ACLs. The new system will check for Group membership in Groupstore, and also check permissions against the IP address being registered.
  • Registrations will be autoremoved after 120 days of device inactivity.

These are minor, but visible changes so please do make a note of them and update your Groupstore Groups accordingly.

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5510 FroDo Upgrade Resumption (September 2022)

As per recent communication on ITSS-A we are now in a position to resume FroDo upgrades with a configuration workaround available to fix the L2VPN annexe instability issue seen on a small number of sites.

The following schedule lists the FroDos that still need an upgrade starting with those with no L2VPN. We will commence upgrades at 07:30 to try to minimize any disruption.

Group I: Wed 14th September (No Annexe/L2VPN on these FroDos)

frodo-120032 aopp.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030043 catholic-chaplaincy.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120230 oxcis.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030235 university-offices-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050337 egrove-park.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030244 old-comet-warehouse.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100314 buxton-court.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100322 warneford.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100130 university-church.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030024 castle-mill-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120043 beecroft.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030405 harkness-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100331 33-stanley-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030409 27-park-end-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030209 worcester-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030238 oxford-university-press.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050118 21-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050119 12-parks-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120010 10-parks-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050124 williams-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120014 st-catherines-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050304 maison-francaise.frodo.ox.ac.uk.

Group J: Thu 15th September (No Annexe/L2VPN on these FroDos)
frodo-050102 andrew-wiles.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120220 ccvtm.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050320 99-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030207 132-walton-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050323 language-teaching.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050324 38-woodstock-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030210 regents-park-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120023 rhodes-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030213 139-walton-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120218 fmrib.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050317 statistics.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120024 robert-hooke-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030221 campion-hall.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100116 sports-centre.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100121 st-stephens-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100123 stanford-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050138 oerc-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120030 clarendon-laboratory.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050503 farndon-court.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030411 trajan-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050305 1-keble-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050307 begbroke-farmhouse.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050310 kellogg-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050311 66-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.

Group K: Tues 20th September

 FroDo #  FroDo Name Annexes
frodo-050335 13-bradmore-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk. NEW-COLLEGE-ANNEXE
frodo-100127 new-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk. NEW-COLLEGE-ANNEXE
frodo-120238 savile-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk. NEW-COLLEGE-ANNEXE
frodo-120239 weston-buildings.frodo.ox.ac.uk. NEW-COLLEGE-ANNEXE
frodo-050334 25-staverton-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk. UNIVERSITY-COLLEGE-ANNEXE
frodo-100304 university-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk. UNIVERSITY-COLLEGE-ANNEXE (DOWN 01/09/22)
frodo-100126 39-iffley-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk. UNIVERSITY-COLLEGE-ANNEXE
frodo-100134 university-college-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk. UNIVERSITY-COLLEGE-ANNEXE
frodo-100104 balliol-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk. BALLIOL-COLLEGE-ANNEXE
frodo-120013 holywell-manor.frodo.ox.ac.uk. BALLIOL-COLLEGE-ANNEXE
frodo-120240 jowett-walk.frodo.ox.ac.uk. BALLIOL-COLLEGE-ANNEXE
frodo-100112 all-souls-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk. ALL-SOULS-COLLEGE-ANNEXE,  BRASENOSE-COLLEGE-ANNEXE (Down 26/08)
frodo-120234 11-manor-place.frodo.ox.ac.uk. ALL-SOULS-COLLEGE-ANNEXE
frodo-030408 36-pembroke-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk. ALL-SOULS-COLLEGE-ANNEXE
frodo-100110 harris-manchester-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk. ALL-SOULS-COLLEGE-ANNEXE, HARRIS-MANCHESTER-ANNEXE
frodo-120206 ocgf.frodo.ox.ac.uk. DPAG-ANNEXE (Down 26/08)
frodo-120207 le-gros-clark.frodo.ox.ac.uk. DPAG-ANNEXE
frodo-120203 old-observatory.frodo.ox.ac.uk. PATHOLOGY-MICROSCOPE-ANNEXE
frodo-100106 wadham-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk. WADHAM-COLLEGE-ANNEXE
frodo-050306 merifield.frodo.ox.ac.uk. WADHAM-COLLEGE-ANNEXE
frodo-100135 dorothy-wadham.frodo.ox.ac.uk. WADHAM-COLLEGE-ANNEXE
frodo-030018 somerville-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk SOMERVILLE-COLLEGE-ANNEXE

Group L: Wed 21st September

  FroDo #  FroDo Name Annexes
frodo-100117 st-edmund-hall.frodo.ox.ac.uk. ST-EDMUND-HALL-ANNEXE
frodo-100118 miller-building.frodo.ox.ac.uk. ST-EDMUND-HALL-ANNEXE
frodo-050142 17-norham-gardens.frodo.ox.ac.uk. ST-EDMUND-HALL-ANNEXE
frodo-100119 isis-guest-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk. ST-EDMUND-HALL-ANNEXE
frodo-100308 merton-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk. MERTON-COLLEGE-ANNEXE
frodo-120229 7-holywell-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk. MERTON-COLLEGE-ANNEXE
frodo-120044 merton-sports-ground.frodo.ox.ac.uk. MERTON-COLLEGE-ANNEXE
frodo-100136 75-iffley-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk. MERTON-COLLEGE-ANNEXE
frodo-100319 74-high-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.  RUSKIN-SCHOOL-ANNEXE
frodo-100318 128-bullingdon-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.  RUSKIN-SCHOOL-ANNEXE
frodo-120028 medical-oncology.frodo.ox.ac.uk. CLINICAL-PHARMACOLOGY-ANNEXE
frodo-120039 hands-building.frodo.ox.ac.uk. LAW-FACULTY-ANNEXE (Down 26/08)
frodo-120003 keble-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk. KEBLE-COLLEGE-ANNEXE
frodo-050338 23-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk. KEBLE-COLLEGE-ANNEXE (Down 26/08)
frodo-050501 hb-allen-centre.frodo.ox.ac.uk. KEBLE-COLLEGE-ANNEXE
frodo-100310 oriel-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk. ORIEL-COLLEGE-ANNEXE
frodo-100311 james-mellon-hall.frodo.ox.ac.uk. ORIEL-COLLEGE-ANNEXE
frodo-050502 st-johns-sports-ground.frodo.ox.ac.uk. ST-JOHNS-COLLEGE-ANNEXE
frodo-030412 beaumont-place.frodo.ox.ac.uk. ST-JOHNS-COLLEGE-ANNEXE


Group M: Thu 22nd September

  FroDo #  FroDo Name Annexes
frodo-030022 34a-st-giles.frodo.ox.ac.uk. OXFORD-INSTITUTE-ANNEXE
frodo-030021 oxford-internet-institute.frodo.ox.ac.uk. OXFORD-INSTITUTE-ANNEXE
frodo-030208 41-st-giles.frodo.ox.ac.uk. OXFORD-INSTITUTE-ANNEXE
frodo-050312 wycliffe-hall.frodo.ox.ac.uk. WYCLIFFE-HALL-ANNEXE
frodo-050326 green-templeton-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk. GREEN-TEMPLETON-COLLEGE-ANNEXE
frodo-050321 13-norham-gardens.frodo.ox.ac.uk. GREEN-TEMPLETON-COLLEGE-ANNEXE, REUTERS-INSTITUTE-ANNEXE
frodo-030226 rewley-abbey-court.frodo.ox.ac.uk. GREEN-TEMPLETON-COLLEGE-ANNEXE
frodo-050327 33-st-margarets-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk. GREEN-TEMPLETON-COLLEGE-ANNEXE
frodo-050301 5-st-margarets-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk. GREEN-TEMPLETON-COLLEGE-ANNEXE
frodo-030012 12-wellington-square.frodo.ox.ac.uk. CONTINUING-EDUCATION-ANNEXE
frodo-120202 dyson-perrins-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk. LINACRE-USDC-ANNEXE, OUCE-ANNEXE
frodo-030224 st-benets-hall.frodo.ox.ac.uk. ST-BENETS-HALL-ANNEXE
frodo-050325 11-norham-gardens.frodo.ox.ac.uk. ST-BENETS-HALL-ANNEXE
frodo-120245 manor-road-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk. CHEMISTRY-ANNEXE(DOWN 01/09), OXFORD-MARTIN-SCHOOL-ANNEXE
frodo-030232 jesus-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk. JESUS-COLLEGE-ANNEXE
frodo-100325 herbert-close.frodo.ox.ac.uk. JESUS-COLLEGE-ANNEXE
frodo-050143 stevens-close.frodo.ox.ac.uk. JESUS-COLLEGE-ANNEXE
frodo-120237 1-museum-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk. ARCHAEOLOGY-ANNEXE
frodo-120037 2-south-parks-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk. ARCHAEOLOGY-ANNEXE INTERNATIONAL-DEV-ANNEXE

Group N: Tues 27th September

  FroDo #  FroDo Name Annexes
frodo-030404 42-park-end-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk. SOCIAL_SCIENCES_PARKEND_ST
frodo-030225 blackfriars-hall.frodo.ox.ac.uk. BLACKFRIARS_ANNEXE
frodo-030407 32-st-giles.frodo.ox.ac.uk. BLACKFRIARS_ANNEXE
frodo-100327 new-richards.frodo.ox.ac.uk. NDM_CCTV
frodo-050318 wolfson-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk. WOLFSON_SANT_ANNEXE (Down 26/08), WOLFSON_STH_ANNEXE
frodo-030219 32-wellington-square.frodo.ox.ac.uk. SOCIAL_POLICY_ANNEXE (Down 01/09)
frodo-030410 5-dartington-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk. SMALL-OFFICES-2-ANNEXE
frodo-050114 11-bevington-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk. AREA-STUDIES-ANNEXE
frodo-050115 13-bevington-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk. AREA-STUDIES-ANNEXE
frodo-050127 106-woodstock-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk. TRINITY-COLLEGE-ANNEXE (DOWN 26/08)
frodo-100103 trinity-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk. TRINITY-COLLEGE-ANNEXE (DOWN 26/08)
frodo-030246 sers.frodo.ox.ac.uk. UST-IMAGING-ANNEXE
frodo-050140 tubney-woods.frodo.ox.ac.uk.  ZOOLOGY-ANNEXE
frodo-120226 dunn-school.frodo.ox.ac.uk. ZOOLOGY-ANNEXE
frodo-120242 stoke-place.frodo.ox.ac.uk. LINACRE-ANNEXE
frodo-050313 lady-margaret-hall.frodo.ox.ac.uk. LADY-MARGARET-HALL-ANNEXE,ST-HUGHS-COLLEGE-ANNEXE
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Odin Frodo – HPE 5510 Firmware Upgrades (July 2022)

Dear ITSS,

It is our intention to upgrade all of our Odin HPE 5510 FroDos during July and the first week of August. This will be moving the firmware from R1311P02 to R3507P02.

The upgrades will be carried out starting on Wednesday 6th July and will be performed in groups of 20 -30 devices per day.   We have been running the firmware on a pilot group of FroDos in advance of the main upgrade activity. This includes 13 Banbury Road, Dartington House, a small number of colleges and all of our small MDX rooms. Option 1 and 2 FroDos were also included in this group. To date we have not experienced any issues with the firmware. A spreadsheet with the schedule will also be attached on the ITSS Announcement email.

Apologies for the length of this post (there are a lot of FroDos!) – we will work on an improved, more targeted, way of communicating this to you for the next round of upgrades.

The devices will be scheduled to reload to pick up their new firmware at 07:00 on each morning, service interruption is expected to be between 5 – 10 minutes. Please contact us on networks@it.ox.ac.uk if there are any queries.

Group A: Wednesday 6th July

frodo-120205 sherrington.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050332 eagle-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100132 bioescalator-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120045 wolfson-jr.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120005 biochemistry.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030008 radcliffe-outpatients.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030007 radcliffe-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120020 medawar.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120027 radiology.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120026 psychiatry.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120222 mdx-orc.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120214 john-radcliffe-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120216 kennedy.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120215 ndm.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120217 ccmp.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120208 tinsley.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120211 pharmacology.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120212 life-sciences.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120225 ompi.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030234 hayes-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100128 old-rectory.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100313 botnar.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120223 ocdem.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100131 winchester-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030401 anna-watts-building.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100328 boundary-brook-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.

Group B: Thursday 7th July

frodo-030241 said-business-school.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050112 51-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050117 45-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050116 43-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050122 nissan-institute.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030010 radcliffe-infirmary.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030011 rewley-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120016 rothermere-institute.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050322 15-norham-gardens.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120021 queen-elizabeth-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120224 orcrb-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120204 manor-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030217 taylorian-library.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030218 sackler-library.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030031 old-bodleian-library.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030033 radcliffe-camera.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120236 st-cross-building.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030243 osney-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030034 clarendon-building.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030030 weston-library.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100320 bsf-swindon.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030216 clarendon-institute.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030220 music-faculty.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030247 11-pusey-lane.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030019 beaver-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030044 3-hythe-bridge-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.

Group C: Tuesday 12th July

frodo-030016 blavatnik.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050123 ewert-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050125 summertown-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030009 st-lukes-chapel.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030017 25-wellington-square.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120022 direct-labour.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120219 orc-security.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120228 32-jack-straws-lane.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120231 tentorium.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120221 orc-undercroft.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120035 experimental-psychology.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100321 cavalier-court.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100120 alan-bullock-close.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030023 castle-mill-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120244 south-lodge.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030406 wytham-woods.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050319 56-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100105 sheldonian.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050302 gibson.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120025 plant-sciences-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030212 66-st-giles.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050120 14-parks-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030005 ertegun-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030006 16-wellington-square.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030211 3-worcester-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050329 101-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030035 5-worcester-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050126 92-woodstock-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030237 6-worcester-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.

Group D: Wednesday 13th July 

frodo-120002 earth-sciences.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050111 61-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120006 rodney-porter.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120012 university-club.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120031 plant-sciences-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030214 old-indian-institute.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050333 wytham-field-station.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120015 club-teaching-lab.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120042 club-research-lab.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030026 southwell.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050134 jenkin.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050136 eng-and-tech.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050130 information-engineering.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050133 thom.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050135 holder.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030236 university-offices-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030202 ashmolean.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120017 natural-history.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030203 green-shed.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100107 history-of-science.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120018 pitt-rivers.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030003 harcourt-arboretum.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100122 botanic-garden.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050128 begbroke-iat.frodo.ox.ac.uk.

Group E: Thursday 14th July

frodo-100309 corpus-christi-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030032 lampl-building.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050139 68-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100124 liddell-building.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120029 john-radcliffe-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120033 9-parks-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120034 robert-hooke-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050107 58-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050108 58a-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050109 64-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050113 12-bevington-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030215 41-wellington-square.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030025 3-st-johns-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050131 wolfson-building.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030027 39a-st-giles.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100332 beechwood-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050343 eagle-house-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100137 51-union-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030414 holywell-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050504 49-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120210 mstc.frodo.ox.ac.uk.

Group F: Tuesday 19th July

frodo-030201 dist-ashmolean.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030037 32a-little-clarendon-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030036 lincoln-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120232 2-museum-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030038 brasenose-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030039 frewin-hall.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030041 hollybush-row.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120233 st-cross-road-annexe.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030029 speedwell-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100305 the-queens-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100307 cardo-building.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100306 florey-building.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030042 st-cross-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030045 14-wellington-square.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050137 2-bradmore-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030206 49-walton-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030205 nuffield-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030222 exeter-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030223 cohen-quadrangle.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100115 239-iffley-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.

Group G: Wednesday 20th July

frodo-030227 christchurch-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100125 christchurch-sports-ground.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030228 cripley-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100323 liddell-building-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100109 hertford-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030204 warnock-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050308 59-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050309 189-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030014 st-peters-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100111 ablethorpe.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120209 mansfield-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120004 rex-richards.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050121 hume-rothery.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030239 old-boys-high-school.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030240 littlegate-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100113 exam-schools.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050132 oerc-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030046 4-worcester-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050129 denys-wilkinson.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100303 st-hildas-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100133 st-hildas-college-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030002 pembroke-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.

Group H: Thursday 21st July 

frodo-030229 st-johns-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030231 44-st-giles.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030230 11-st-johns-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050330 belsyre-court.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050331 105-woodstock-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050104 dist-st-hughs.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100108 194-divinity-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120019 linacre-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050316 5-bradmore-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100324 191-iffley-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050110 105-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050103 dist-62-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030233 36-beaumont-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120235 dyson-perrins-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120036 1-south-parks-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120007 chemistry-research-lab.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120008 inorganic-chemistry.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120009 physical-chemistry.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120041 chemistry-teaching-lab.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030015 malthouse.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050141 roq-security.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030018 somerville-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.

Group I: Tuesday 26th July

frodo-030022 34a-st-giles.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030021 oxford-internet-institute.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030208 41-st-giles.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050312 wycliffe-hall.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050326 green-templeton-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050321 13-norham-gardens.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030226 rewley-abbey-court.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050327 33-st-margarets-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050301 5-st-margarets-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100110 harris-manchester-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030012 12-wellington-square.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120202 dyson-perrins-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030224 st-benets-hall.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050325 11-norham-gardens.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120245 manor-road-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030232 jesus-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100325 herbert-close.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050143 stevens-close.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120237 1-museum-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120037 2-south-parks-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.

Group J: Wednesday 27th July

frodo-050114 11-bevington-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050115 13-bevington-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050127 106-woodstock-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100103 trinity-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050335 13-bradmore-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100127 new-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120238 savile-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120239 weston-buildings.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050334 25-staverton-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100304 university-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100126 39-iffley-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100134 university-college-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100104 balliol-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120013 holywell-manor.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120240 jowett-walk.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100112 all-souls-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120234 11-manor-place.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120206 ocgf.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120207 le-gros-clark.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120203 old-observatory.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100106 wadham-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050306 merifield.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100135 dorothy-wadham.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050315 st-antonys-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050313 lady-margaret-hall.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030408 36-pembroke-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030411 trajan-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.

Group K: Thursday 28th July

frodo-100117 st-edmund-hall.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100118 miller-building.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100119 isis-guest-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100308 merton-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120229 7-holywell-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120044 merton-sports-ground.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100136 75-iffley-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100319 74-high-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100318 128-bullingdon-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120028 medical-oncology.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120039 hands-building.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120003 keble-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050338 23-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050501 hb-allen-centre.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100310 oriel-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100311 james-mellon-hall.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050502 st-johns-sports-ground.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030412 beaumont-place.frodo.ox.ac.uk.

Group L: Tuesday 2nd August

frodo-030404 42-park-end-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030225 blackfriars-hall.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030407 32-st-giles.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100327 new-richards.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050318 wolfson-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030219 32-wellington-square.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030209 worcester-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030238 oxford-university-press.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050118 21-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050119 12-parks-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120010 10-parks-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050124 williams-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120014 st-catherines-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050304 maison-francaise.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050305 1-keble-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050307 begbroke-farmhouse.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050310 kellogg-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050311 66-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.

Group M: Wednesday 3rd August

frodo-050102 andrew-wiles.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120220 ccvtm.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050320 99-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030207 132-walton-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050323 language-teaching.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050324 38-woodstock-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030210 regents-park-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120023 rhodes-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030213 139-walton-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120218 fmrib.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050317 statistics.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120024 robert-hooke-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120226 dunn-school.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030221 campion-hall.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100116 sports-centre.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100121 st-stephens-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100123 stanford-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050138 oerc-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120030 clarendon-laboratory.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050503 farndon-court.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120242 stoke-place.frodo.ox.ac.uk.

Group N: Thursday 4th August

frodo-120032 aopp.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030043 catholic-chaplaincy.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120230 oxcis.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030235 university-offices-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050337 egrove-park.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030246 sers.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030244 old-comet-warehouse.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100314 buxton-court.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050140 tubney-woods.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100322 warneford.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100130 university-church.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050142 17-norham-gardens.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030024 castle-mill-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050342 mission-studies.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120043 beecroft.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030405 harkness-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100331 33-stanley-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030409 27-park-end-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030410 5-dartington-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.

Posted in General Maintenance, Odin | Comments Off on Odin Frodo – HPE 5510 Firmware Upgrades (July 2022)

Odin FroDo Upgrades 2021

Dear ITSS,

It is our intention to upgrade all of our Odin HPE 5510 FroDos in September. This will be moving the firmware from R1311P02 to R3506P11. We are not upgrading the DCDIST/HPE 5940 FroDos, we do not expect new code to be released for these devices until the new year.

The upgrades will be carried out starting next week (w/c 13/09/2021 ) and will be performed in groups each day, Tuesday to Thursday, over a period of three weeks.  We have been running the code on the Banbury Rd FroDo for the last week and will also be upgrading a few more IT services/UAS devices this week.


The expected impact is ~5-10 minutes for all customers as the FroDo reloads to pick up the new firmware, unfortunately this firmware is not ISSU (In Service Software Upgrade) compatible with the previous release so the impact will be similar for Option 2 customers.

We will be carrying out the upgrades from 07:30 each morning as part of an automated process.

If there are any further queries please contact us on networks@it.ox.ac.uk 


We have attempted, where possible, to group devices around main sites and annexes so that those sites will only see one period of disruption from the upgrade process.

Group A: Tuesday 14th September

frodo-050332 eagle-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120045 wolfson-jr.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120205 sherrington.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100132 bioescalator-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050131 wolfson-building.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030234 hayes-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120222 mdx-orc.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030401 anna-watts-building.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120217 ccmp.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100131 winchester-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120216 kennedy.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120211 pharmacology.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100313 botnar.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030007 radcliffe-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120027 radiology.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100328 boundary-brook-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120208 tinsley.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100128 old-rectory.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120212 life-sciences.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120026 psychiatry.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120005 biochemistry.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030008 radcliffe-outpatients.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120215 ndm.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050311 66-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120020 medawar.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050123 ewert-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120214 john-radcliffe-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120210 mstc.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120225 ompi.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030227 christchurch-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100125 christchurch-sports-ground.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030228 cripley-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100323 liddell-building-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030212 66-st-giles.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120025 plant-sciences-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120028 medical-oncology.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030027 39a-st-giles.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120034 robert-hooke-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100123 stanford-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050138 oerc-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120030 clarendon-laboratory.frodo.ox.ac.uk.

Group B: Wednesday 15th September

frodo-030202 ashmolean.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050315 st-antonys-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030241 said-business-school.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030034 clarendon-building.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030405 harkness-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120018 pitt-rivers.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030003 harcourt-arboretum.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050128 begbroke-iat.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100107 history-of-science.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100122 botanic-garden.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120017 natural-history.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030203 green-shed.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120236 st-cross-building.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050322 15-norham-gardens.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100320 bsf-swindon.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030243 osney-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030033 radcliffe-camera.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120016 rothermere-institute.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120224 orcrb-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120204 manor-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120011 radcliffe-science-library.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030031 old-bodleian-library.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050341 mdx-st-hughs.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030030 weston-library.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030247 11-pusey-lane.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030220 music-faculty.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050112 51-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030216 clarendon-institute.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030217 taylorian-library.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030011 rewley-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050116 43-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030010 radcliffe-infirmary.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050122 nissan-institute.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030218 sackler-library.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050117 45-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120021 queen-elizabeth-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100116 sports-centre.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050329 101-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100117 st-edmund-hall.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100121 st-stephens-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120032 aopp.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030043 catholic-chaplaincy.frodo.ox.ac.uk.

Group C: Thursday 16th September

frodo-030016 blavatnik.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120228 32-jack-straws-lane.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120244 south-lodge.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100120 alan-bullock-close.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120022 direct-labour.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030009 st-lukes-chapel.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100321 cavalier-court.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120035 experimental-psychology.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030017 25-wellington-square.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030023 castle-mill-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030213 139-walton-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120231 tentorium.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030406 wytham-woods.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120219 orc-security.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050125 summertown-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120221 orc-undercroft.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100105 sheldonian.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030046 4-worcester-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050126 92-woodstock-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030035 5-worcester-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030211 3-worcester-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100310 oriel-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030005 ertegun-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050120 14-parks-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030237 6-worcester-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120007 chemistry-research-lab.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120041 chemistry-teaching-lab.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120245 manor-road-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050305 1-keble-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120008 inorganic-chemistry.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120009 physical-chemistry.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120006 rodney-porter.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030235 university-offices-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120223 ocdem.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
Net Ops Device THOM-MEDIA-35-250
Net Ops Device IND-MEDIA-36-250

Group D: Tuesday 21st September

frodo-050108 58a-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050107 58-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050111 61-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050109 64-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050113 12-bevington-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120036 1-south-parks-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120031 plant-sciences-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120237 1-museum-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120235 dyson-perrins-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120037 2-south-parks-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050103 dist-62-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030233 36-beaumont-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050115 13-bevington-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050114 11-bevington-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120240 jowett-walk.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100104 balliol-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120013 holywell-manor.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120004 rex-richards.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120015 club-teaching-lab.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100110 harris-manchester-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100112 all-souls-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120234 11-manor-place.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030225 blackfriars-hall.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030407 32-st-giles.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030039 frewin-hall.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030041 hollybush-row.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120233 st-cross-road-annexe.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030038 brasenose-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050133 thom.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050130 information-engineering.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050136 eng-and-tech.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050135 holder.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050134 jenkin.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030026 southwell.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030215 41-wellington-square.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030012 12-wellington-square.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030032 lampl-building.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100124 liddell-building.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050139 68-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100309 corpus-christi-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.

Group E: Wednesday 22nd September

frodo-050326 green-templeton-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050313 lady-margaret-hall.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120202 dyson-perrins-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100114 magdalen-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120206 ocgf.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120207 le-gros-clark.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100113 exam-schools.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100115 239-iffley-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030222 exeter-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030223 cohen-quadrangle.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050301 5-st-margarets-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030226 rewley-abbey-court.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050327 33-st-margarets-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050321 13-norham-gardens.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120029 john-radcliffe-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100109 hertford-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050309 189-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030204 warnock-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050308 59-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030239 old-boys-high-school.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030240 littlegate-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100325 herbert-close.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030232 jesus-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050143 stevens-close.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120003 keble-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050501 hb-allen-centre.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050338 23-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120039 hands-building.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030206 49-walton-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100324 191-iffley-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050316 5-bradmore-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120019 linacre-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100108 194-divinity-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050110 105-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120232 2-museum-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030201 dist-ashmolean.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030037 32a-little-clarendon-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030036 lincoln-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100329 waynflete.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100111 ablethorpe.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120209 mansfield-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050121 hume-rothery.frodo.ox.ac.uk.

Group F: Thursday 23rd September

frodo-030002 pembroke-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120044 merton-sports-ground.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100308 merton-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120229 7-holywell-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100136 75-iffley-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120033 9-parks-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100327 new-richards.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030245 mdx-ashmolean.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050339 mdx-engineering.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120241 mdx-plant-sciences.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030242 mdx-social-studies.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100317 mdx-merton.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050344 mdx-62-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100316 mdx-christchurch.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120239 weston-buildings.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120238 savile-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100127 new-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050335 13-bradmore-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030205 nuffield-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100311 james-mellon-hall.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030025 3-st-johns-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030015 malthouse.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050141 roq-security.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030021 oxford-internet-institute.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030208 41-st-giles.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030022 34a-st-giles.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030214 old-indian-institute.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120203 old-observatory.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050129 denys-wilkinson.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030014 st-peters-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100307 cardo-building.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100305 the-queens-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100306 florey-building.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030029 speedwell-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100319 74-high-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100318 128-bullingdon-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030044 3-hythe-bridge-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030019 beaver-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120230 oxcis.frodo.ox.ac.uk.

Group G: Tuesday 28th September

frodo-030042 st-cross-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050314 st-hughs-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030229 st-johns-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100106 wadham-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030404 42-park-end-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030018 somerville-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050104 dist-st-hughs.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050336 st-annes-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050340 robert-saunders-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030224 st-benets-hall.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050325 11-norham-gardens.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050137 2-bradmore-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030045 14-wellington-square.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100118 miller-building.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100119 isis-guest-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100303 st-hildas-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100133 st-hildas-college-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030231 44-st-giles.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030412 beaumont-place.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050330 belsyre-court.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050105 dist-ewert-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050331 105-woodstock-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030230 11-st-johns-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050132 oerc-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100103 trinity-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050127 106-woodstock-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100304 university-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050334 25-staverton-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100126 39-iffley-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100134 university-college-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030246 sers.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050306 merifield.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100135 dorothy-wadham.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050312 wycliffe-hall.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120012 university-club.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050333 wytham-field-station.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120042 club-research-lab.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120002 earth-sciences.frodo.ox.ac.uk.

Group H: Wednesday 29th September

frodo-050318 wolfson-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030209 worcester-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030238 oxford-university-press.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050118 21-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050119 12-parks-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120010 10-parks-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050124 williams-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120014 st-catherines-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050304 maison-francaise.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050307 begbroke-farmhouse.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050310 kellogg-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120220 ccvtm.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050319 56-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050320 99-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030207 132-walton-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050323 language-teaching.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050324 38-woodstock-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030210 regents-park-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120023 rhodes-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120218 fmrib.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050317 statistics.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120024 robert-hooke-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120226 dunn-school.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030221 campion-hall.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030219 32-wellington-square.frodo.ox.ac.uk.

Group I: Thursday 30th September 

frodo-050102 andrew-wiles.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030040 frewin-court.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050337 egrove-park.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100315 mdx-daubney.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030244 old-comet-warehouse.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100314 buxton-court.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050140 tubney-woods.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100322 warneford.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100130 university-church.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050142 17-norham-gardens.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030024 castle-mill-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050342 mission-studies.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120040 mdx-st-cross.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050345 mdx-ewert.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120043 beecroft.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100330 court-place.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100331 33-stanley-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030409 27-park-end-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030410 5-dartington-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-100332 beechwood-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050343 eagle-house-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030408 36-pembroke-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-030411 trajan-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050502 st-johns-sports-ground.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-050503 farndon-court.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
frodo-120242 stoke-place.frodo.ox.ac.uk.
Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Odin FroDo Upgrades 2021

OWL Visitor refresh – Timetable

This blog post is an expansion on the previous post about Tawny OWL to give timescales.

The upgrade of the FroDos to re-route OWL traffic from the current system to the new one (called Tawny) is roughly a two stage process:

1) Configure the Frodo to set up the relevant VLANs and L3VPNs.
2) Associate the existing OWL ports with the new VLAN.

Step one can happen without any effect on existing traffic and we will be doing that on all FroDos before we move onto step 2.

Step 2 will be done in batches to aid us in testing successful migration testing. Also, note that if you are a COWLS customer, we will be applying the change to your FroDos just for completeness. Nothing will change with respect to existing connectivity.

The listing goes as follows:

First batch

To be scheduled for morning 3rd March 2020

  • john-radcliffe-3.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • molecular-medicine.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • big-data-institute.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • orcrb-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • wellcome-trust.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • richard-doll.frodo.ox.ac.uk

Second batch

To be scheduled for morning 4th March 2020 modulo anything arising after first batch migrations.

  • 101-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 105-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 105-woodstock-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 106-woodstock-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 10-parks-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 11-bevington-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 11-manor-place.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 11-norham-gardens.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 11-st-johns-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 128-bullingdon-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 12-bevington-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 12-parks-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 12-wellington-square.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 132-walton-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 139-walton-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 13-bevington-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 13-bradmore-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 14-wellington-square.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 16-wellington-square.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 17-norham-gardens.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 189-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 191-iffley-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 194-divinity-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 1-keble-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 1-museum-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 21-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 239-iffley-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 23-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 25-staverton-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 25-wellington-square.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 2-bradmore-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 2-museum-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 32a-little-clarendon-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 32-jack-straws-lane.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 32-st-giles.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 32-wellington-square.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 33-stanley-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 33-st-margarets-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 34a-st-giles.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 36-beaumont-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 38-woodstock-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 39a-st-giles.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 39-iffley-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 3-hythe-bridge-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 3-st-johns-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 3-worcester-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 41-st-giles.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 42-park-end-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 43-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 44-st-giles.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 51-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 5510-netdev-test-roq.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 56-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 58a-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 58-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 59-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 5-bradmore-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 5-broad-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 5-st-margarets-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 61-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 64-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 66-st-giles.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 68-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 74-high-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 75-iffley-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 7-holywell-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 92-woodstock-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 99-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 9-parks-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • ablethorpe.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • alan-bullock-close.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • andrew-wiles.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • anna-watts-building.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • aopp.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • ashmolean.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • balliol-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • beecroft.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • blackfriars-hall.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • blavatnik.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • botanic-garden.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • brasenose-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • bsf-swindon.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • campion-hall.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • cardo-building.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • castle-mill-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • catholic-chaplaincy.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • cavalier-court.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • ccvtm.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • chemistry-research-lab.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • chemistry-teaching-lab.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • christchurch-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • christchurch-sports-ground.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • clarendon-laboratory.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • club-research-lab.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • club-teaching-lab.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • cohen-quadrangle.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • corpus-christi-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • court-place.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • cripley-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • denys-wilkinson.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • direct-labour.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • dorothy-wadham.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • dunn-school.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • dyson-perrins-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • earth-sciences.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • egrove-park.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • ertegun-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • exeter-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • experimental-psychology.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • florey-building.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • fmrib.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • frewin-hall.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • green-shed.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • green-templeton-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • hands-building.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • harcourt-arboretum.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • harkness-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • herbert-close.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • hertford-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • history-of-science.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • hollybush-row.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • holywell-manor.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • hume-rothery.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • information-engineering.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • isis-guest-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • james-mellon-hall.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • jenkin.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • jesus-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • jowett-walk.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • keble-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • kellogg-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • kennedy.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • king-charles-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • lady-margaret-hall.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • lampl-building.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • language-teaching.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • liddell-building-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • liddell-building.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • linacre-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • lincoln-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • magdalen-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • maison-francaise.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • malthouse.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • manor-road-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • mansfield-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • mdx-62-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • mdx-christchurch.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • mdx-daubney.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • mdx-engineering.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • mdx-ewert.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • mdx-merton.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • mdx-plant-sciences.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • mdx-social-studies.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • mdx-st-cross.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • medawar.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • medical-oncology.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • merifield.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • merton-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • merton-sports-ground.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • miller-building.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • mission-studies.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • mstc.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • music-faculty.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • natural-history.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • new-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • new-richards.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • nissan-institute.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • nuffield-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • ocdem.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • ocgf.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • old-bodleian-library.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • old-boys-high-school.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • old-comet-warehouse.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • old-rectory.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • orc-security.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • orc-undercroft.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • oxcis.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • oxford-internet-institute.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • oxford-university-press.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • pembroke-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • physical-chemistry.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • pitt-rivers.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • psychiatry.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • queen-elizabeth-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • radcliffe-camera.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • radcliffe-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • radcliffe-outpatients.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • radcliffe-science-library.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • regents-park-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • rewley-abbey-court.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • rewley-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • rhodes-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • robert-hooke-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • robert-saunders-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • roq-security.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • rothermere-institute.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • sackler-library.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • said-business-school.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • savile-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • sers.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • sheldonian.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • somerville-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • south-lodge.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • southwell.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • speedwell-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • sports-centre.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • stanford-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • st-annes-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • st-antonys-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • statistics.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • st-benets-hall.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • st-catherines-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • st-cross-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • st-edmund-hall.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • stevens-close.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • st-hildas-college-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • st-hildas-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • st-hughs-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • st-johns-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • st-lukes-chapel.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • st-peters-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • st-stephens-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • summertown-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • tentorium.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • the-queens-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • thom.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • trinity-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • tubney-woods.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • university-church.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • university-club.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • university-college-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • university-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • wadham-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • warneford.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • warnock-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • waynflete.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • weston-buildings.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • williams-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • winchester-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • wolfson-building.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • wolfson-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • worcester-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • wycliffe-hall.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • wytham-field-station.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • wytham-woods.frodo.ox.ac.uk

third batch

To be scheduled for morning 5th March 2020 modulo anything arising after second batch migrations.

  • 11-pusey-lane.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 13-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 13-norham-gardens.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 14-parks-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 15-norham-gardens.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 1-south-parks-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 2-south-parks-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 41-wellington-square.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 45-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 49-walton-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 4-worcester-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 5-worcester-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 66-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • 6-worcester-street.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • all-souls-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • beaver-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • begbroke-farmhouse.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • begbroke-iat.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • belsyre-court.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • biochemistry.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • bioescalator-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • botnar.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • boundary-brook-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • buxton-court.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • castle-mill-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • ccmp.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • clarendon-building.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • clarendon-institute.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • dartington-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • dist-62-banbury-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • dist-ashmolean.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • dist-ewert-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • dist-st-hughs.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • dyson-perrins-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • eagle-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • eng-and-tech.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • ewert-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • exam-schools.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • frewin-court.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • gibson.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • harris-manchester-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • hayes-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • hb-allen-centre.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • holder.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • inorganic-chemistry.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • john-radcliffe-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • john-radcliffe-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • le-gros-clark.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • life-sciences.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • littlegate-house.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • manor-road.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • mdx-ashmolean.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • mdx-orc.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • mdx-st-hughs.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • mdx-usdc.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • ndm.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • oerc-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • oerc-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • old-indian-institute.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • old-observatory.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • ompi.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • orcrb-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • oriel-college.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • osney-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • pharmacology.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • plant-sciences-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • plant-sciences-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • radcliffe-infirmary.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • radiology.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • rex-richards.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • robert-hooke-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • rodney-porter.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • sherrington.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • st-cross-building.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • st-cross-road-annexe.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • taylorian-library.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • tinsley.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • university-offices-1.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • university-offices-2.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • weston-library.frodo.ox.ac.uk
  • wolfson-jr.frodo.ox.ac.uk
Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on OWL Visitor refresh – Timetable

OWL Visitor refresh

This post aims to give a bit more background and detail around the announcement to IT Support Staff regarding the forthcoming refresh to the OWL Visitor service.

What are we doing?

We’re replacing the captive portal component of the service.  This is the part that shows the visitor login page as well handling things like the firewall rules and NAT.

The images below show the current (l) and new (r) portal login pages.

We are not changing anything else about the service so the account management system, administration of account administrators and visitor RADIUS servers all remain the same.


When are we doing it?

The main roll out is scheduled to take place on 3rd March 2020.

IT Services has been running the new OWL since 14th January, so pop along to 13 Banbury Road if you want to take an early look.

We are inviting ITSS to help us test the new system from early February so please let us know if you’d like to take part.  (The networks team has no access to test clients and so has only been able to test with what its staff members happen to use).


Why are we doing it?

  1. The current OWL portal has been running for 15 years.  That’s over 100 in dog years and it has a number of limitations commensurate with its age.
  2. The University rejected JISC’s eduroam Visitor Access service as an OWL replacement on Information Security grounds.
  3. The OWL portal doesn’t support TLS versions above 1.0 (see point 1).  This will become an issue in March when the major browser vendors start dropping support for TLS 1.0.


How are we doing it?

A new VRF has been deployed across Odin (campus backbone) with its gateway being a new pair of servers running pfSense.  On changeover day, your OWL FroDo port is simply associated with the new VRF.  This allows us to easily roll out on a FroDo by FroDo basis and revert if necessary.


Posted in Wireless | Comments Off on OWL Visitor refresh

Hydra – a new DNS/IPAM platform

We are pleased to announce the forthcoming launch of Hydra – our new DNS and IP Address Management platform.

This will replace the current DNS web management tool.



The last DNS update for the current system will be at 18:00 on Friday, 29 November 2019.

Hydra will go live during the morning of Tuesday, 03 December 2019.

There will be an Early Life Support period until the end of January 2020 during which the Hostmaster team will make edits on your behalf.


Things to do now as ITSS01

Check the lists of domains and subnets to make sure your Unit owns all the resources you think it should.  There’s also a handy summary list.  Please contact <networks@it.ox.ac.uk> to claim any you believe you should own.

Unless you’re happy to be the only person able to edit your Unit’s DNS records, you’ll need to gain access to Groupstore so that you can edit the your Unit’s members group.

Read the help pages and also play in the sandpit.  The sandpit uses a non-production database so you can try things out without worrying about affecting live data.

Book onto one of two ITSS sessions (15 and 24 October) where you can ask any questions you may have.


Things to do now as ITSS

Ask your ITSS01 to add you to your Unit’s Groupstore IPAM Group if you want to be able to edit DNS records.

Read the help pages and also play in the sandpit.  The sandpit uses a non-production database so you can try things out without worrying about affecting live data.

Book onto one of two ITSS sessions (15 and 24 October) where you can ask any questions you may have.


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DC Distributor FroDo – Upgrades November 2019


We would like to announce the upgrade of the version of Comware running on our DC Distributor FroDos. This follows on from the recent upgrade of all customer FroDos during September and the start of this month.

This blog entry aims to answer the majority of questions that this work will raise. Please, however, feel free to contact the Networks team with any further questions at networks@it.ox.ac.uk


As part of ongoing maintenance it is essential that we keep our FroDo software up to date. The new version of software being deployed addresses a number of vulnerabilities and bugs. This takes us from R2612H01 to R2702 for these devices.


All DC Distributor FroDos are HPE 5940’s running in an IRF pair. As a result, we can use the HPE In Service Software Update (ISSU) feature which aims to minimise impact to traffic passing through the FroDo pair as it is upgraded.

The DC distributors do run a variety of customer annexe connections into the DC sites Frodo and this information is listed within Huggin. Just enter the name or frodo number. Any customers who do not have an aggregated annexe connection across both devices will be affected as the single device they connect to reloads. The reload time for a HPE 5940 is ~10 minutes.

Finally, we have recently migrated several services from the old service spine onto pairs of DC distributors. With that in mind I have provided a list, in upgrade order, of the central services that are hosted on each device.

It is important to remember that we have resilience in the form of IRF as well as the service being provided from two distinct dcdist FroDos. However, as with all upgrades, there is an element of risk and therefore the services themselves should be considered at risk during the upgrade window.

Upgrade Schedule

Tuesday 5th November

dcdist-usdc-1 (frodo-120809) (07:00)


Thursday 7th November

 dcdist-edc (frodo-030403) (07:00)


dcdist-roq (frodo-050911) (07:30) This device rescheduled for 22/11 07:00


Tuesday 12th November

dcdist-beach(frodo-120601) (07:00)


dcdist-orc(frodo-100912) (07:30)


Thursday 14th November

 dcdist-ind(frodo-030812) (07:00)


dcdist-mus(frodo-120610) (07:30)


Tues 19th November

dcdist-beg(frodo-050909) (07:00)
dcdist-osney(frodo-030811) (07:30)


Thursday 22nd November

dcdist-roq (frodo-050911) (07:00)


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