From Tim Fernando:
A quick announcement to mention that version 0.4 of Mobile Oxford is now live (, amongst a whole bunch of bug fixes ( also introduces a few major features:
- Transport Page – With one click you can not get the current status of all five of Oxford’s park and rides, Oxford’s live rail departure board, BBC Road Travel Alerts and your five nearest bus stops or favourite bus stops
- Favourites – You can now ‘favourite’ certain pages e.g. Bus Stops, these will appear on the front page of the site and if you favourite bus stops, just these bus stops will be displayed on your transport page.
- WebLearn – Support for WebLearn tools has been improved and should now be fairly bullet proof with more functionality coming with Weblearn’s next update on the 10th of January.
Other stuff:
- Windows 7 Phone now being detected and although IE Mobile mangles things a bit, it’s reasonably usable.
- ePubs now detected and displayed appropriately in podcasts
- Feature phones now get better HTML and also scores as highly as 97% on W3C’s Mobile OK (the average is closer to 50%)
- Many performance improvements
I understand that some folks have been getting a certificate warning recently, if you could let us know:
- Device Operating System and Version
- Brand, Model
- Time you last tried Mobile Oxford
we would be most grateful!