Last week’s problems with file uploads and deletions have now been fixed, however, it would appear that a small number of filesĀ may possibly have become corrupted as a result of the outage. Affected files will probably appear to be blank, however, this will only be evident once an attempt is made to open them – the original file size will still appear to be correct when viewed in Resources.
We are working with the IT Services Infrastructure and Hosting Team (aka sysdev) to try and identify and restore all affected content. Unfortunately, at this stage, we do not know the extent of the problem, however, it is not thought to be widespread.
If you discover any issues then please send an email to stating the URL of the problematic site and the URL of the file that has become corrupted. It is very important to include both these references.
The problems were caused by malfunctioning AFS software – this is the system that manages the file store where WebLearn stores documents and files. There have been other problems in the past with AFS and moves are afoot by sysdev to upgrade the version of AFS that is being used; it is anticipated that this work will be completed by the end of the year.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience that this disruption must be causing.