New WebLearn was upgraded on 13th August 2013 to version 2.8-ox7. For more detailed information and other minor changes, please looked at the detailed release notes.
Improvements / Bug Fixes
- 2 new columns have been added to Assignments Marking CSV download: submission date and whether the submission was late
- The ‘Select Login Route’ page now displays correctly on an iPad
- Blank paragraphs no longer inserted above <link> elements (references to CSS) in the WYSIWYG editor
Graduate Training Tool (SES)
- The ‘departments tree’ of courses has been replaced by an Accordion view of the same courses
- Join waiting list button no longer appears for DAISY courses that cannot be booked through WebLearn
- A number of old unused courses have been removed
- Search results page now displays the correct courses and has more useful information, it also displays correctly in Internet Explorer