Here are the course dates for WebLearn courses during Trinity Term 2010. Note that bookings on the courses database open 30 days in advance of each course:
There is a new course on offer in conjunction with the Oxford Learning Institute: Learning and Teaching using technology tools, which is aimed at academic staff members. The WebLearn User Group is scheduled for the afternoon of 5 July. Besides the usual system updates, we will have a speaker from the Library talking about copyright issues, short presentations by two academics who use WebLearn to support teaching and learning, and a discussion on particular WebLearn tools.
Tuesday 11 May 2-5 pm (week 3)
Monday 14 June 2-5 pm (week 8)
WebLearn: Migrating your content
Tuesday 25 May 2-5pm (week 5);
Monday 28 June 9.15-12:15 am (week 10)
WebLearn: Making your site work
Tuesday 8 June 2-5 pm (week 7)
Monday 5 July 2-4:30 pm (week 11)
Tuesday 18 May 9:15-11:15 am (week 4)
Learning and Teaching: using technology tools
Tuesday 4 May 2-5pm (week 2)
Plagiarism: WebLearn and Turnitin
Monday 7 June 12:30-13:30 (week 7)