Have you ever wondered how the Sakai CLE is governed?

332px-Sakai_Logo.svgThe Sakai Project Management Committee (PMC) is a group of dedicated individuals from various Sakai institutions who provide direction and leadership to the community and Sakai project.

The Project Management Committee is the body responsible for strategic oversight of the Sakai project and operates based on meritocratic principles of member selection, and consensus based decision making taken in an open and transparent manner.

The PMC comprises 17 full members (plus 5 Emeritus members). Two of the full members are from Oxford University (Adam Marshall and Matthew Buckett) which means that Oxford has quite a bit of influence on the future direction of Sakai.

The PMC meets informally with a lot of work being undertaken at the annual conference; other decisions are made via email conversations. If you have any ideas that you would like to be taken forward to the PMC then please let us know via the usual channels.

The PMC is part of Apereo Foundation whose staff members provide support to both the PMC and the Sakai community in general.


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