System Improvements: WebLearn v11-ox5

WebLearn was upgraded on 27th April 2017 to version 11-ox5. We apologise for any inconvenience caused by the disruption. Here is a list of some of the major improvements: Peer-to-peer Chat It is now possible to instigate a one to … Continue reading

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Activity Browser: We have lift-off!

We are excited to announce that the SHOAL project’s Activity Browser has been launched!  You can find Activity Browser here:   You can also access it from the left-hand menu of WebLearn’s Gateway home page, or from the Support page … Continue reading

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Learning Activities to Promote Student Collaboration

Guest post by Lucy Tallents & Jocelyne Hughes The SHOAL portal will go live in March, following a beta-testing phase in February (to participate in the trial, email  As the release date approaches, we will blog about specific learning … Continue reading

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SHOAL blog post – Beta-testing

Testing Testing! We are excited to announce that in February the SHOAL portal moves into a beta-testing phase!  We invite staff and students to join our group of trial users, to give us feedback on the portal design.  Trial participants … Continue reading

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SHOAL promotes discovery and connections

Discoverability and connectivity are core to the SHOAL project’s aims. Digital learning activities will be discoverable through the new SHOAL portal currently being developed by Matthew Buckett and Adam Marshall within Weblearn.  Resources will be tagged with Learning Object Metadata … Continue reading

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The Digital Education Strategy and SHOAL

Guest post by Dr Lucy Tallents We are keen to make SHOAL relevant to the university’s new Digital Education Strategy, and the ongoing consultation on the DES in divisions and departments.  We hope that the SHOAL portal will support staff … Continue reading

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SHOAL project swims into view

A message from Lucy Tallents and Jocelyne Hughes  We’re excited to announce that the SHOAL project has begun! Jocelyne and I are spreading the word about the project through various university channels, but we welcome direct contact from interested people, … Continue reading

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