Learmapp – An app that helps learners navigate and collaborate around learning resources

IT Innovation ChallengesStudent project led by Karim El-Mehairy

Student round 2016/17

See also: Learmapp launched on AppStore and PlayStore (blog post)

For more information, please contact innovations@it.ox.ac.uk


Oxford University students – undergraduate and graduate – pursue long-term learning journeys in fulfilment of degree requirements, pursuing their interests, or seeking career and personal development. These learning journeys, aiming towards varying levels of mastery, necessitate the utilization of a variety of specialized learning resources. Finding these learning resources, in an age of information abundance, is a difficult pursuit. Adding to the challenge along these journeys, students confront plateaus, setbacks and frustrations. Students’ interactions with their friends, peers, tutors and/or supervisors are their stepping stones out of these motivational challenges, and their lighthouses through the abundance of information. Learmapp facilitates, captures and amplifies these interactions.

Learmapp is a mobile-based, learning oriented, networking platform, intended to manage and socialize learning journeys. Learmapp offers a ubiquitous platform for logging and sharing the steps of an individual’s learning journey, allowing for praise, inspiritment and encouragement. Steps along learning journeys are logged as learning interactions with learning resources. As such, Learmapp is also a platform for sharing relevant, tried and tested, learning resources, along with ratings and reviews. Learmapp also includes an algorithm to offer advice on the next best interaction throughout an individual’s specific learning journey.

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