Simple, Flexible Option Choosing

IT Innovation ChallengesStaff project based in the Medical Sciences Division

Trinity term 2015

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Allowing students to make choices about their study or research, e.g. choosing course modules or research projects, is a common requirement within the University.  Administering this on paper or via email is time-consuming, laborious and error-prone, and University-wide online tools that enable this, e.g. the WebLearn sign up tool, do not offer the flexibility or features that most scenarios require.

This project aims to provide a web application that will make the collating, communicating and choosing of options as straightforward as possible, while also offering the flexibility required for the diverse needs of the University. It will build on OxPro, a tool that has been successfully used within the Medical Sciences Division for the last few years.

The web application will feature a mobile-friendly choosing interface, allowing students to see the available options, and select and rank their choices. The editing interface will allow those offering options to edit, publish/unpublish and categorise their options.  Administrators will be able to schedule choices, set deadlines and create rules, e.g. at least 3 options from a certain category, but no more than 8 in total, and then view or download the results in a number of layouts and formats.

Users will access the tool through WebLearn, using the widely supported Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standard.  This will enable to tool to be seamlessly integrated into existing courses and sites.

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