Oxford Looking-Glass

IT Innovation ChallengesStudent project led by Draego Zubiri.

2018 student round

For more information, please contact innovation@it.ox.ac.uk 


As the oldest English-speaking university in the world, Oxford University is immensely rich with historical and cultural significance. From its grand and varied architecture to its countless world-renowned alumni and lecturers across the millenium, Oxford University offers itself as a dynamic rich space with a vibrant history like no other. Whether it be the pub CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien frequented, the secret gargoyles atop a building reminiscent of Aslan of Narnia or Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum of Alice in Wonderland, or spaces immortalized by the filming of Harry Potter, every corner of the University has a rich tale to tell, with some considering it a ‘city of symbols’.

The Oxford Looking-Glass is a web-based augmented reality application which allows users to explore the city through digitally-augmented and -enhanced ways. Inspired by the ‘blue-plaques’ of London, the app allows users to engage with meaningful ‘checkpoints’ around the city. As users discover exciting checkpoints around the university, they will be able to interact with augmented-reality objects as well as read unique trivia and information relating to the checkpoint. They will also have the opportunity to partake in gamified activities (such as interactive quizzes and trails) or take photos with the 3D objects they discover and share this with their friends.

This project will not only benefit the immediate members of the University as it will also be offered to the wider community, giving anyone who visits Oxford the unique opportunity to interact with the city and learn about its rich history through the Oxford Looking-Glass.

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