
IT Innovation ChallengesStudent project led by Olivia Wood

Hilary round 2015

For more information, see http://oxchange.co.uk


Oxchange aims to capitalize on Oxford University’s richest resources: knowledge, talent and human capacity. The final product will be a website that connects Oxford students to one another based on a desired skill exchange. Imagine a platform where a PPEist could seek some Maths guidance from a Mathematician, a Historian could ask an Art student about a specific aesthetic movement in history, or a Chemist could request an English student’s aid in writing a cover letter, and so on. Each student at Oxford excels in their field, and Oxchange aims to harness the potential of that fact for interdisciplinary learning. However this project will not be limited just to the academic. It aims to allow students across Oxford to swap services in other areas as well: music, drama, sports, charity work, languages – you name it. The currency is simple: time. Hours given are hours received – they say nothing is more valuable, and this project will prove that to be true. To sum it up: Oxchange will be a network of mutually invested students who are reinforcing their sense of community by meeting new people, strengthening their own abilities through teaching, and gaining access to an enormous amount of valuable information, skills, and resources.

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