WLUG: Copyright and WebLearn

The original article has been removed and has been replaced by the standard copyright notice for display beside public photocopiers and scanners.

This may be useful as well: http://www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/services/copy/copyright

Photocopying and scanning under the CLA Higher Education Licence

The University holds a licence from the Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) which permits the photocopying and scanning of limited extracts from most copyright-protected books, journals, law reports, conference proceedings and magazines for use by students and the course tutor on registered taught courses and non-credit-bearing short courses.

The proportion of a work that may be photocopied and/or scanned consists of:

One whole chapter of a book

One whole article from a journal issue

A short story or poem (not exceeding 10 pages in length) from an anthology

One whole paper from a set of conference proceedings

One whole report of a single case from a volume of judicial proceedings

or 5% of any of the above, whichever is the greater.

With the exception of those works listed in the ‘List of Excluded Categories and Works’ and the ‘List of Excluded US Publishers’, both published on the CLA website (www.cla.co.uk), the licence for photocopying covers material published in the United Kingdom, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Barbados, Belgium, Canada (including Quebec), Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan (R.O.C), Trinidad and Tobago, and the USA (as also published on the CLA website under the heading ‘International Territories’ and added to from time to time).

Please note that the licence does not cover material already in digital form e.g. electronic journals and material available on the internet. It also does not cover newspapers, maps, printed music or works listed on the CLA’s Excluded Works list.

Course of study

Multiple copies must be distributed only to registered students and members of staff with strict reference to a Course of Study. A Course of Study refers to any segment of a student’s programme of study which, for purposes of examination and/or assessment, is a discrete and self-contained unit.

SCANNING for teaching purposes

The licence permits some copyright PRINT (not digital) material published in the UK, the USA and a reduced list of other countries (see the CLA website under ‘International Territories’) to be made available in digital format to students through the virtual learning environment (VLE). The University must keep detailed records of all items scanned under this licence and such scanning may only be carried out by the person(s) designated to do so in your department or college; for details as to who these are, please contact:


[Every department has, or should have such a person. If  you are unsure who this is then please ask around your department, your administrator is probably a good person to ask. If this does not solve the problem then please contact Charles Shaw.]

The material must be held in a password-protected environment accessible only to students on the relevant course i.e. WebLearn. If you wish to make digital copies available to students on a course of study, you should contact the above person for further details of the service. Members of staff not appointed as a Designated Person, and all students, are not permitted to scan under this licence. If they should do so – and do not seek the written permission of the rights owner – they may be putting themselves and the University at risk of a claim for infringement of copyright law.

Further information

The University’s Licence Co-ordinator is Charles Shaw, Secretary, Academic Services and University Collections, University Offices (charles.shaw@admin.ox.ac.uk; tel:(2)80563). Members of staff in the Bodleian Libraries should contact Mike Heaney, Executive Secretary (michael.heaney@bodleian.ox.ac.uk; tel:(2)77236) in the first instance. See also ‘User Guidelines’ on the CLA website.

The following copyright notice should be attached to digital copies of printed material made under the CLA HE licence.

Copyright Notice

Staff and students of the University of Oxford are reminded that copyright subsists in this extract and the work from which it was taken. This Digital Copy has been made under the terms of a CLA licence which allows you to:

  • access and download a copy; and
  • print out a copy.

This Digital Copy and any digital or printed copy supplied to or made by you under the terms of this Licence are for use in connection with this Course of Study. You may retain such copies after the end of the course but strictly for your own personal use.

All copies (including electronic copies) shall include this Copyright Notice and shall be destroyed and/or deleted if and when required by the University.

Except as provided for by copyright law, no further copying, storage or distribution (including by e-mail) is permitted without consent of the copyright holder.

The author (which term includes artists and other visual creators) has moral rights in the work and neither staff nor students may cause or permit the distortion, mutilation or other modification of the work, or any other derogatory treatment of it, which would be prejudicial to the honour or reputation of the author.

Course of Study:

Name of Designated Person authorising scanning:



Name of Author:

Name of Publisher:

Name of Visual Creator (as appropriate)

[and similar details of other publications if the notice covers more than one extract]

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