Using Turnitin for plagiarism detection and prevention

turnitinlogoTurnitin is an online text-matching system that can be used to help identify potential plagiarism in electronically submitted student work. It can also be used formatively, for tutors to help students develop their academic writing and citation skills. Turntin highlights parts of a student’s submitted text which match existing sources in various repositories. Academic judgement is required to interpret this analysis.

OUCS manages Turnitin, and can provide free-of-charge user accounts to relevant staff in the collegiate University. Accounts can be requested by emailing, Alternatively, students can use Single Sign-On to submit work to the WebLearn Assignments tool, which can send files to Turnitin automatically. Lunch-time Turnitin training for staff can be booked on the OUCS website. Guidance on plagiarism avoidance and Turnitin is available on WebLearn. Work is currently underway to consolidate University guidance on Turnitin usage.

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