Byte-sized Surveys tool

Questions and Answers that emerged from the WebLearn Bytes – Surveys session on 8 November 2012:

  1. Q: Can WebLearn Surveys handle branching, e.g. skip to a certain part of a survey based on a participant’s response?
    A: No. A possible solution is to put the branching instructions in the question wording.
  2. Q: What is the difference between a ‘Multiple Choice Question’ and a ‘Multiple Answer Question’?
    A: For a ‘Multiple Choice Question’, a survey participant can select only one option whereas a ‘Multiple Answer Question’ (Multiple Response question) allows more than one option to be selected. The convention is that a multiple choice question uses radio buttons to indicate the options, whereas a multiple response question uses check boxes.
  3. Q: Can a WebLearn Survey allow a time restriction in which to answer the questions?
    A: No.
  4. Q: Is there a limit to the number of respondents for any survey?
    A: No, a survey can be taken by as many respondents as you wish.
  5. Q: Does the exported output provide a unique identifier for each respondent?
    A: By default, the surveys are anonymous.  However, you can ask participants to type in either their name or a unique ID for the first question in your survey.
  6. Q: Can respondents edit their responses and, if so, up to what point?
    A: If you set up a survey which has to be taken by logging into WebLearn, you can configure the survey to allow respondents to edit their responses before the survey is closed.
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