Byte sized Site Management (Site Info) tool

Questions and Answers that emerged from the WebLearn Bytes – Site Management (Site Info) session on 22 January 2013: (some points venture into other tools, not only the Site Info tool…)

Q: Can you use WebLearn for student peer review?
A: Yes: use either the Forums (Discussions) tool for all students to be able to view and comment on all essays (they submit their essay as an attachment); or use the Assignments tool (grant the access role permissions to read/mark assignments) [Note added 24 Oct 2017: the Assignments tool now offers a ‘peer review’ option, so use that feature and ignore the previous comment about permissions]. Both tools are ‘group aware’, and both can be set to open/close at predetermined dates and times.

Q: Can you use WebLearn for peer review of conference papers when organising a conference?
A: You can use the Resources tool for document sharing, but anonymity is not possible. You can use the Email Archive (mailing list) and Email Sender tools to communicate with site participants (the latter tool is group aware).

Q: How do you add the Reading List tool?
A: The Reading List is not a standard tool such as other tools that are added via Site Info > Edit Tools. The Reading List is a type of resource, and is added into a folder in Resources, using the Add > Add Reading List option.

Q: How can I find out who my Local WebLearn Coordinator is?
A: Go to the WebLearn Guidance site ( and find the List of Local WebLearn Coordinators in the “Getting started” box.


  • Clarify the purpose of your WebLearn space – there are many good tools for sharing and they are easy to use, but students need to be encouraged to participate. “If you build it, they won’t necessarily come!”
  • Clarify expectations of your own involvement in communication tools, and what you expect of your students.
  • Consider providing a forum discussion or chat area for your students to conduct their own informal, unmoderated discussions. (The WebLean Student Experience project found this to be a need expressed by students.)
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