Byte-sized Site Info tool 14 May 2013

The following questions emerged at the lunchtime session on the Site Info tool on 14 May 2013:

Q: How do you delete a site?
A: Good question – this option is not part of the Site Info ‘dashboard’. To delete a site, you need to remove it from the hierarchy and delete it. Both operations can be done at the same time from the Hierarchy Manager (small menu on the lower left side > Arrange site). Go to the desired site; click on ‘Arrange site’ on the lower left menu; click on ‘Remove site’; select the box ‘Also delete the site’; click on ‘Confirm remove site’. If you do not see the Hieararchy Manager (small menu on lower left side), you will need to speak to your Local WebLearn Coordinator to give you the required permissions.

Q: Do site participants receive an email when a site is deleted?
A: No – so it is not necessary to first remove them as site participants before you delete the site.

Q: Do site participants receive an email when creating internal sub-groups?
A: No – so you can create, edit or remove internal sub-groups without any notifications being sent.

Q: External users (without an Oxford single singon account) – how do they get access to a WebLearn site and how do they get their login details?
A: WebLearn allows you as the site owner to add either Oxford University particpants, or anyone else, simply by using their email address. If the new participant is an external user (e.g. a research collaborator at another university, a visiting expert etc.), they will automatically receive a one-time system-generated email message giving them a link to activiate their account and create their password. They then log in to WebLearn by clicking on the ‘Other Users’ login link. You can try this out by adding yourself to a WebLearn site with your external email address (e.g. gmail, yahoo etc.), give yourself the ‘access’ role, and then log on as an external user to see how the site operates from the access point of view. (This gives a more authentic experience than using the ‘Switch to access user’ toggle option.)

Q: When might you want to make someone ‘Inactive’ in your site?
A: You might be testing something new in the site – instead of unpublising it, you could make the participants temporarily ‘Inactive’ which means that it is as if they have been removed from the site. Later you can make them ‘Active’ again. Another scenario is if you have added a bulk ‘Participant Group’ – you cannot remove individuals in the bulk group, but you can make someone Inactive if you know that they have left the group or course.

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