WebLearn unavailable on Thursday September 24 from 6.30-7pm

WebLearn will be unavailable between 6:30pm and 7:00pm today (24/Sep/2015) – please ensure that you save all work before this time.

This outage is necessary in order to fix a problem with the Lessons Tool. We are very sorry for the inconvenience that this essential work may cause.

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A Test Instance of a IMS Basic LTI tool

lti-ring-chuckIf you ever have occasion to experiment with a know-to-be-working and standards compliant IMS Basic LTI tool then please consider reading Dr Chuck’s “Sakai LTI Unit Tests” blog post.

Dr Chuck has written an LTI tool that can be used for testing or for a sanity check. Here are the key facts:

URL: https://online.dr-chuck.com/sakai-api-test/tool.php
Key: 12345
Secret: secret

If you are unclear about any of the above then an earlier blog post about IMS Basic LTI may help explain things.

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WebLearn unavailable on Wednesday 23 September 2015 from 7-9am

We plan to upgrade WebLearn to version 2.10-ox6 on Wednesday 23 September 2015 7-9am. There will be no service during this period.

We apologise for any inconvenience that this essential work may cause.

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Announcing Keynote Speakers for the Sakai Virtual Conference, 4 Nov 2015

Sakai (Online) Virtual Conference November 4, 2015

The Future of the Learning Management System is Open

More information: http://virtconf.apereo.org/   

Twitter: #SakaiVC15

We are pleased to announce our keynote speakers for the Sakai Virtual Conference 2015.

Opening Keynote:

Dr. Malcolm Brown, EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (link to bio)

Closing Keynote:

Dr. Charles Severance, University of Michigan (link to bio)

Don’t miss out on live presentations from these engaging thought leaders!

The call for proposals is open until Sept. 20th! Submit your proposal and join us in sharing and celebrating the innovative work being done in the Sakai Community.

Register today and stay tuned for publication of the full program!

Click here to check out our conference promo video!

View our “6 Steps to Perfect Presentation” video!

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Call for proposals for the Sakai Virtual Conference 4 November, 2015

There’s still time to submit! The call for proposals for the Sakai Virtual Conference 2015 has been extended until Sept. 20th! (The conference is scheduled for the afternoon and evening of November 4th.)

Don’t wait! Submit your proposal today!

The Sakai Virtual Conference is an exciting opportunity to share best practices in teaching and learning with your peers in the Sakai community. This conference is all about YOU – your success stories and your amazing work. We encourage you to submit your proposal in any of the following categories.

  • Faculty Course Showcase – Demonstrate exemplary instructional strategies and course design by showcasing your course.
  • Instructional Design/Support – How do you support your end users?  Share best practices for instructional design, training, and professional development at your institution.
  • Effective or Innovative Practice – Are you using Sakai in a unique or uniquely effective way? For example, are you doing something innovative in Mobile/Responsive Design or Accessibility? Show us your effective or innovative practice!
  • Learning Analytics – How are you using Learning Analytics in conjunction with your Sakai LMS to promote institutional objectives? Have you implemented a dashboard or student intervention success plan, Learning Records Store, xAPI, etc.?
  • Technical Session – Do you have a topic that would be of interest to Sakai developers or IT staff? Would you like to demo new features or functionality coming in Sakai 11? Present on a technical topic “under the hood” of Sakai.
  • Birds of a Feather – Lead an informal/unstructured online discussion about a topic of your choice.
  • Lightning Talks – Do you have a project or perspective you’d like to share? Maybe you have an idea to improve Sakai that you’d like to promote? Lightning talks are 5 minute presentations which will be combined into an exciting and fast-paced conference session.
  • UX Testing – We will be conducting live usability testing during the conference. Do you have a research question and test script you’d like to propose as part of our UX track? Help us improve the Sakai user interface through UX testing!
  • Sakai en Español – Envía tu presentación sobre cualquiera de estos temas en español. (Note: The Spanish track will begin two hours prior to the main conference sessions so that attendees have the option to attend the presentations in Spanish as well as other conference tracks.)

The Sakai Virtual Conference will take place entirely online on Wednesday, November 4th.  You’ll make your presentation in a virtual “room,” take live questions from the audience, and get the conference experience without the expense of travel. There will be opportunities for networking and informal discussions, as well as a chance to win prizes donated by our sponsors.

Help us make this year’s Sakai Virtual Conference a success!

We look forward to your proposal!


View our “6 Steps to Perfect Presentation” video!

Click here to check out our conference promo video!


Neal Caidin, Sakai Community Coordinator, Apereo Foundation

Wilma Hodges, Sakai Virtual Conference 2015 Planning Committee Chair

Ian Dolphin, Executive Director, Apereo Foundation

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Blackboard users switch to Sakai (WebLearn)

332px-Sakai_Logo.svgThis article is an interesting read  and has good words about Sakai: Blackboard loses high-profile clients as its rivals school it in innovation.

We’re hoping that the release Sakai 11 (early next year) will turn more heads and cause another stir amongst the Blackboard community.

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WebLearn upgraded to version 2.10-ox5

WebLearn was upgraded between 17th and 19th August 2015 to version 2.10-ox5. If you want more details then please contact the WebLearn Team.

If you would like to suggest further improvements then please do so by contributing to the WebLearn User Voice feedback service.


  • Brand new authoring of Reading Lists – NB this currently only works when using Firefox, cross-browser support will be added in due course. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
    • can add nested sections and subsections – these will ultimately be reflected in the ‘student view’
    • can add explanatory text to each section
    • this work is not yet complete and is being undertaken as part of the ORLiMS Innovation Fund Project
  • Lessons: One can now add or link to multiple files at once
  • Site Info: Paging at bottom of Site Info Participant list as well as at the top – this was a User Voice request
  • Researcher Training Tool: Administration Interface is no longer grouping on ‘teachingDetails’ instead of term.
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Have you ever wondered how the Sakai CLE is governed?

332px-Sakai_Logo.svgThe Sakai Project Management Committee (PMC) is a group of dedicated individuals from various Sakai institutions who provide direction and leadership to the community and Sakai project.

The Project Management Committee is the body responsible for strategic oversight of the Sakai project and operates based on meritocratic principles of member selection, and consensus based decision making taken in an open and transparent manner.

The PMC comprises 17 full members (plus 5 Emeritus members). Two of the full members are from Oxford University (Adam Marshall and Matthew Buckett) which means that Oxford has quite a bit of influence on the future direction of Sakai.

The PMC meets informally with a lot of work being undertaken at the annual conference; other decisions are made via email conversations. If you have any ideas that you would like to be taken forward to the PMC then please let us know via the usual channels.

The PMC is part of Apereo Foundation whose staff members provide support to both the PMC and the Sakai community in general.


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Sakai (WebLearn) Virtual Conference 2015: “The Future of the Learning Management System is Open” – Register Now



Date: November 4, 2015

URL: http://virtconf.apereo.org/

Hashtag: #SakaiVC15

Registration is open for the Sakai Virtual Conference. Registration is $50 per person, with all proceeds going toward Sakai feature development. Attendees will have the opportunity to provide input on the enhancements they would like to see in Sakai.

The Sakai Virtual Conference will take place entirely online on Wednesday, November 4, 2015.  You’ll attend presentations in concurrent session webinar rooms, ask the presenters live questions, and get the conference experience without the expense of travel. There will be opportunities for networking and informal discussions, as well as a chance to win prizes donated by our sponsors. The “conference location” will be in Sakai, and we will be using Sakai tools such as Lessons, Forums, etc. to facilitate interaction among attendees. If you are comfortable in Sakai, you will easily engage in this virtual experience.

The program is still being finalized. However, there will be information sessions, interactive, small-group discussions, a UX testing track, and a two-hour Spanish language track prior to the main conference. Find out how your peers are using Sakai at their institutions! Presentations will focus on effective teaching and learning practices, online pedagogy, and engaging students using technology.

The Sakai Virtual Conference is a unique opportunity to network with your peers and share stories and best practices in an online venue.

Register today and stay tuned for publication of the full program!

Neal Caidin, Sakai Community Coordinator, Apereo Foundation

Wilma Hodges, Sakai Virtual Conference 2015 Planning Committee Chair

Ian Dolphin, Executive Director, Apereo Foundation

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The Legend of the Sakaiger



Ever wondered about that cuddly blue and white cat that keeps popping up? Well, wonder no more – I have just discovered that he’s got his very own web site: http://www.sakaiger.com/

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