Short WebLearn Downtime 6pm Friday 16th January (Today)

We are planning to restart the WebLearn service at 6pm today, it is
estimated that WebLearn will be unavailable for 10 minutes.

This is to transition the course based groups provided in WebLearn to
ones provisioned from SITS data.

Apologies for the sort notice and having to perform this outside the
normal maintenance window.

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WebLearn and Turnitin Courses Hilary Term 2015

A variety of taught courses are offered by IT Services to support the use of WebLearn and the plagiarism awareness software Turnitin.
Course books for the formal courses (3-hour sessions) can be downloaded for self study.
Places are limited and bookings are required.

Click on the links provided to book a place, or for further information. Bookings open 30 days in advance, but you can express an interest in a course and receive a reminder to book when booking opens.

WebLearn courses:

Plagiarism awareness courses (Turnitin):

Byte-sized lunch time sessions:

These focus on particular tools with plenty of time for questions and discussion

User Group meetings:

Express an interest!

The following sessions can be arranged if there is sufficient demand for them. Visit the link to express your interest:

  • WebLearn Bytes: Assignments – Writing essays and receiving feedback on submitted work is an important part of the Oxford student experience. The WebLearn Assignments tool allows a tutor or lecturer to set up an assignment (essay), with instructions, attachments, a specified due date and marking options.
  • WebLearn Bytes: Tests and Quizzes – The WebLearn Tests tool provides a useful way to design and deliver informal tests to students for the purpose of ongoing formative assessment.
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WebLearn unavailable all day on Saturday 10th January 2015

wl-goldIt is planned to migrate WebLearn to brand new dual-site hardware on Saturday 10th January 2015. This is a major undertaking and will take most of the day (starting after 9am) but will result in a more resilient service when complete. There will be no service for most of the day.

We apologise for any inconvenience that this essential work may cause.

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Improved Student Feedback Within WebLearn

After the successful trial in Michaelmas Term, the 2015 IT Innovation Seed Fund challenges are now live. The termly call for Staff focuses on student feedback which is of particular interest to the WebLearn community. (There is also an ‘Open’ category: innovative digital proposals that would improve the academic experience at Oxford.)

From “Responding to student feedback: Through our institution-wide annual surveys, students tell us that they do not fully understand the criteria by which they are assessed, and do not have feedback that is useful in helping them to improve their work in relation to those criteria. We would like to see innovative projects that aim to improve these aspects of learning.”

This is your chance to get your idea funded. Projects can be of any size from a few hundred pounds upwards but cannot exceed £100k, and can last for up to 12 months.

We would be very interested in discussing possible projects with interested parties; if you are interested in submitting a bid to enhance WebLearn then please get in touch with us via the usual channels.

IT Services are using an ‘open innovation’ process so the first step is to register on the site, read the challenge, and submit your idea or comment on others. Even if you do not have a project idea in mind you can offer to help other people with theirs. The open innovation stage will be open until 14th February 2015 after which we will select a few ideas to go forward to formal project proposals and possibly funding.

IT Services are also launching the annual Student IT Innovation Fund in collaboration with OUSU (open to all Oxford students to get funding for digital projects over the long vacation) so please feel free to pass on this information.

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WebLearn unavailable on Tuesday 9th December 2014 from 7-9am

cisco-routerWebLearn will be taken off-line on Tuesday 9th December for essential system maintenance. There will be no service during this period.

We apologise for any inconvenience that this essential work may cause.

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Call for Entries: 2015 Teaching with Sakai (aka WebLearn) Innovation Award


Announcement from the TWISA Committee

The Sakai Teaching and Learning community is seeking submissions for the 2015 Teaching With Sakai Innovation Award (TWSIA) competition. The award recognizes innovation and excellence in technology-supported teaching, academic collaboration, and student engagement.

We look forward to entries from those using the Sakai CLE (known locally as WebLearn).

Award categories include:

  • Higher Education: Face-to-Face
  • Higher Education: Fully On-line or Hybrid Course
  • Project Sites & Alternative Uses of Sakai

This year, the selection process will consist of two phases.

Phase 1:Optional abstract submission for feedback and preliminary review

Opening Date:  Dec 4, 2014. Deadline: Jan 15, 2015

Each applicant will submit a brief description of his/her project and of the innovative teaching method, practice or strategy to be considered for the final award.

Applicants will receive feedback on their abstracts, from the TWSIA committee, by Jan 30, 2015.

Participation in Phase 1 is not required for participation in Phase 2, however, the three questions on the abstract submission form will help applicants when they move on to the full application process.

Those who submit a preliminary abstract can incorporate feedback from the TWSIA committee in their final application.

To submit an abstract, please use the optional abstract submission form (

Phase 2: Final submission (required of all applicants)

Opening Date: Dec 3, 2014. Deadline: March 20, 2015

Each applicant will submit an in-depth description of the innovative teaching method, practice or strategy and indicate how it addresses the award criteria.  Application forms and information on award categories, a definition of innovation, criteria and rubrics are at:

Winners will be announced in early April 2015 and recognized at the Open Apereo 2015 Conference in Baltimore MD.  Conference dates are May 31 to June 3, 2015.

Registration and travel expenses may be available for award winners.

Contact: Salwa Khan, TWSIA Committee Chair at

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Changes to the Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) Licence

The University’s information and advice on complying with the CLA Licence and relevant University procedures has been substantially revised and is now available at the copyright licencing pages of the Academic Services and University Collections website. The pages include guidance relevant to the University’s departmental or collegiate CLA contacts or to staff providing digital copies of course study material to groups of students.

There is also guidance on checking what can be copied on paper or digitally. For questions relating to the CLA licence, please contact the University’s Licence Co-ordinator:

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FAO: Local WebLearn Coordinators in your department, faculty or college

  • Are you new in the role of Local WebLearn Coordinator?
  • Do you perhaps need a refresher about the do’s and don’ts of managing your unit’s WebLearn presence?
  • Did you  know that you must never add external accounts to the Administration Site, since this could cause a serious security breach?

A lunch time overview session as been scheduled for Local WebLearn Coordinators. Come along to find out more about your role and recent changes.

Date: Thursday 27 November 2014

Time: 12:30-13:30

Venue: IT Services, 13 Banbury Road


We hope to see you there.

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WebLearn upgraded to version 2.10-ox1.3 on 18 November 2014

WebLearn was upgraded on 18th November 2014 to version 2.10-ox1.3. If you want more details then please contact the WebLearn Team. For more detailed information and other minor changes, please looked at the detailed release notes.

If you would like to suggest further improvements then please do so by contributing to the WebLearn User Voice feedback service.


  • The pop up help has been partitioned into ‘Student’ and ‘Instructor’ guides and has been reorganised so that tools have their correct names and there are no entries for tools that are not offered at Oxford
  • Humanities courses now appear in the Researcher Training Tool
  • Improved error message when an assignment cannot be routed via Turnitin
  • My Dashboard has been changed back to My Workspace (as users found it confusing)
  • The Contact Us Tool has been improved
  • Opting to hide yourself in a site (My Workspace > Preferences > Privacy) will prevent your name being listed as a site contact for content-related problems
  • The Quick Links menu now behaves just like the My Sites menu
  • Lessons tool can now include quizzes from the Tests tool
  • Improvements have been made to the top banner so that the height can be reduced if desired

Bug Fixes

  • Attachments are now correctly stored in the archive when sending an email with attachments to the Email Archive
  • The new(ish) WYSIWYG (rich-text) editor is now available for the Surveys Beta tool in Internet Explorer 11
  • The Researcher Training Tool (RTT) Module Administration page now works correctly with Internet Explorer 11
  • An email is no longer sent when a site is created
  • The problems with the Site Members tool should now be fixed
  • The Forums tool will no longer send out an email containing three identical messages
  • Appearance in Internet Explorer 11 of the work “Minimise” when you scroll has been supressed
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WebLearn unavailable on Tuesday 18th November 2014 from 7-9am

It is planned to upgrade WebLearn to version 2.10-ox1.3 on Tuesday 18th November 2014 7-9am. There will be no service during this period.

We apologise for any inconvenience that this essential work may cause.

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