How the ‘Hide this tool’ (light bulb) works

The ‘light bulb’ tool on the Site Info > Page Order function

Have you used the light bulb icon to hide a WebLearn tool from access users?

light bulb

When a site maintainer uses the light bulb option to hide a tool from access users, it only hides the LINK to the tool from the left hand menu, so that the students can’t access the tool via the site in question. (Think of this as a ‘soft’ hide function, for cosmetic purposes…)


How to completely disable access to the content in a (hidden) tool

Material in a hidden tool is still accessible to a student (with the access role) in other ways, for example:

  • from the summary (‘quick view’) on the right hand side of the Home page, e.g. Announcements, Calendar, Forums
  • from the Resources/Announcements/Calendar area in their individual My Workspace — they can access Resources/Announcements/Calendar in all sites in which they are a member (even in sites in which that tool is hidden)
  • it is possible to ‘guess’ or formulate the applicable URL that will link directly to the tool in question.

There are several ways to ensure that student access to the content of a hidden WebLearn tool is completely disabled:

1. Remove the ‘read’ permission from the access role in the tool in question:

  • How to do this? In the tool, click on the Permissions link, then remove the tick in the ‘access’ column alongside ‘read’ or ‘view’:

remove read2

2.  If the tool is ‘group aware’, you can protect it (and also folders/files in Resources) to staff-only groups

  • How to do this? Site Info > Manage Subgroups > create a staff-only group; then go back to the tool in question and edit its properties to ‘Display this folder (or announcement etc.) to selected groups’. For example, to protect a folder in Resources to a group:

staff only

Resources is a little different in terms of permissions

In the Resources tool the ‘read’ permission is mandatory. Removing the ‘read’ permission from the access role in Resources would mean that the access user would not be able to read other files, such as attachments…. Therefore, instead of option 1 above, use option 3:

3. Hide the folders/files within Resources

  • How to do this? Resources>Actions>Edit details (Properties)> Hide this folder and its contents


More explanation in the interface

The new version of Sakai (Sakai 11) displays an explanation about how the’soft hide’ light bulb on the Page Order tool works. The central WebLearn team will implement some improvements to the current interface to make it clear that there are other ways for an access user to gain access to the content of a softly hidden tool.

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WebLearn and Turnitin courses Michaelmas Term 2015

A variety of taught courses are offered by IT Services to support the use of WebLearn and the plagiarism awareness software Turnitin. Course books for the formal courses (3-hour sessions) can be downloaded for self study. Places are limited and bookings are required.

Click on the links provided to book a place, or for further information. Bookings open 30 days in advance, but you can express an interest in a course and receive a reminder to book when booking opens.

WebLearn courses:

Plagiarism awareness courses (Turnitin):

Byte-sized lunch time sessions:

These focus on particular tools with plenty of time for questions and discussion

User Group meetings:

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WebLearn Phishing Attack (of sorts)

Fish: a few people have received a strange message (given below) about the need to reactivate an expiring WebLearn account.

I would like to assure you that this is NOT a legitimate message: users should NOT click or follow the link.

I have reported this to OxCERT but I would appreciate it if you could spread the word amongst staff and students that they should ignore this and any other similar messages.

By looking at the logs, we can see that quite a few people have already clicked on the link.

That message again:

From: IT Services []
Sent: 26 October 2015 12:58
Subject: Access Services Manager

Dear User,

Your access to The WebLearn is expiring soon due to inactivity. To continue to have access to this service, you must reactivate your account. For this purpose, click the web address below or copy and paste it into your web browser. A successful login will activate your account and you will be redirected to your WebLearn page.

If you are not able to login, please contact the service desk for immediate assistance.


Access Services Manager
Computing Services and Systems Development
University of Oxford
13 Banbury Road, Oxford, OX2 6NN
tel: (+44) 1865 612345


[Image removed by sender. Powered by Hairyspire]

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ORLiMS launch – try our new Online Reading List Management System

Guest post by Tom Dale (Social Sciences Library) edited by Adam MarshallORLiMS-Final-Final-Oxford-Blue

ORLiMS – the new Social Sciences Online Reading List Management System – is going live this week. Work undertaken during the University’s  Innovation Fund ORLiMS project means new-look WebLearn reading lists can be created which can contain annotated collapsible sections containing improved links to live location and availability information.

Developed by staff at the Bodleian SSL (Social Science Library) in collaboration with the WebLearn team, ORLiMS provides real time information on the location and availability of the material you need. Every item will be linked to the corresponding entry on SOLO, so you will be able to see:

  • The number of copies held in individual libraries
  • Whether they can be borrowed
  • Whether they are currently available
  • Whether they can be accessed electronically

If a resource can be accessed electronically, ORLiMS will provide a direct link. The aim is simple: you spend less time searching, more time studying.

For their pilot, the SSL has started the data entry by inputting selected reading lists from four Social Sciences Division departments/centres for Michaelmas term 2015:

  1. Department of Politics and International Relations (DPIR)
    • MPhil Politics, Theory of Politics, International Relations, PPE
  2. African Studies Centre
  3. Centre for Criminology
  4. Department of International Development
    • MSc in Global Governance and Diplomacy

These new-style reading lists are available to every WebLearn site via Resources: simply select “Create Reading List” from the Resources tool “Add” menu.

There is still more work to be undertaken as part of the ORLiMS project including improvements to the display of real-time availability and the addition of links to multiple versions and different editions. We will be updating our help documentation in the very near future.

More information can be found in the ORLiMS FAQs.


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Staff IT Innovation Challenge 2015-2016

From Stuart Lee, IT Services

[N.B. There will be an open briefing session on the challenge 12.30-1.30 on the 27th October. Book at:]

Challenge(s): The University Strategy seeks to increase innovation across our key activities (learning, teaching, and research). In the strategy also are a number of specific priorities and commitments. For this round of the IT Innovation Challenges we welcome project ideas from any University staff member for digital initiatives that would improve the academic experience at Oxford (the ‘Open’ category), but we would particularly welcome, for this round, ideas that would:

  • assist in undergraduate admissions and access activities
  • make research easier for researchers
  • provide solutions for international collaboration in research

The site will close at midnight on 14 November for submissions, after which there will be a further week to discuss all ideas. Some ideas will then be selected to go to the next stage by the IT Innovation Group.


We would particularly welcome proposals for projects that focus on our undergraduate admissions and access activities. The University is committed to ensuring that we attract applications from students with outstanding academic potential whatever their background, and has set out ambitious targets (see Do you have a project that would assist in this? It could be repurposing existing content or creating new content in a way that would reach potential undergraduates, a new app for providing interactive tools that provide exciting academic challenges, or a new way of using technology to reach out to an underrepresented target area.

We are also interested in new ways to assist researchers. In terms of tools that can make research, or the administration of research easier; or allow researchers to collaborate internationally.

So …

Do you have any ideas for innovative digital projects that could assist in undergraduate admissions? [‘Undergraduate Admissions and Access’]

Ease the burden on researchers? [‘Making Research Easier’]

Allow researchers to collaborate more effectively internationally? [‘Research Collaboration’]

Or do you have any ideas for innovative digital projects that would just improve the academic experience of staff or students at Oxford? [‘Open’]

If the answer to any of the above is ‘Yes’ then please ‘Submit Your Idea’ [above], or read the ideas of others and add suggestions or offer assistance to work up the proposal.

Even if you don’t have a proposal then you can still take part in the discussion or offer assistance to projects that may go forward as we would also ideally like to see projects that emerge from collaborations across dispersed teams or units. For more information on the criteria by which projects will be assessed see the FAQs on the IT Innovation Challenges Sharepoint Site [requires you to log-in].

Rememberthis process is aimed at the open discussion of ideas to allow them to build and grow into a project. You are not being asked to submit your final bid in its complete form.  If the idea takes shape you will then be asked to submit a more formal proposal.

Also we are not necessarily looking for new tools or systems. You may be able to identify an existing product to adopt or adapt that would lead to improvements or innovation.

Further Details

Projects can be of any size starting from a few thousand pounds upwards but the maximum amount of funding per project is £60,000.

For further general information please visit the IT Innovation Challenges web site; for more specific details on previous projects, FAQs, etc please visit the IT Innovation Challenges Sharepoint Site [requires you to log-in].

Please note we hope that there will be a second IT Innovation Challenge for staff this year running in Hilary-Trinity term 2016.

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WebLearn upgraded on 6th October 2015 to version 2.10-ox7

WebLearn was upgraded on 6th October 2015 to version 2.10-ox7. If you want more details then please contact the WebLearn Team.

If you would like to suggest further improvements then please do so by contributing to the WebLearn User Voice feedback service.


  • There have been numerous improvements to the new-look Reading Lists. The student’s view page now contains all information and the layout has been improved.
  • The ‘Upload New Version’ facility in Resources now compares the name of the uploaded file with the File Name (instead of Display Name) – it will warn if the new version has a different name to the file that it is replacing
  • Researcher Training Tool: the link to “My Modules” in the email reminder now leads to the correct page
  • The Calendar tool’s “Publish” pages now clarify the window of events that are exported (-6 months to +12 months)
  • OXAM now allows 8 character paper codes
  • For TurnItIn-enabled assignments, students are now informed if they try to upload an attachment of a file type that is not supported by TurnItIn
  • Dates can now be manually entered in addition to being set up via the ‘date widget’ – this is for most but not all tools
  • In My Workspace > Preferences, the notification options under Email Archive are now clearer
  • The personal home page has been added to WebLearn’s “Quick Links” drop down list
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WebLearn unavailable on Tuesday 6th October 2015 from 7-9am

We plan to upgrade WebLearn to version 10-ox7 on Tuesday 6th October 2015 from 7-9am. There will be no service during this period.

We apologise for any inconvenience that this essential work may cause.

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Sakai Virtual (Online) Conference 2015 – November 4, 2015 from 2pm GMT

Sakai virtual Conference 2015: The Future of the Learning Management System is Open

More information:

Twitter: #SakaiVC15

Participation is Free for Oxford Staff and Students

IT Services will will be taking out an institutional registration meaning that any Oxford University member will be able to attend without needing to pay or register. Please contact us for further details; the more the merrier.

Latest News: there will be a total of six presentations from Oxford University members including a special active learning session from TWSIA winner Lucy Tallents. I think 6 sessions is a record for us!

Conference Programme

The conference starts at 2pm with a keynote from Malcolm Brown and runs for 8 hours culminating in a closing keynote from Sakai’s very own Dr Chuck Severance. (See below for biographies.)

Most of the Oxford talks will be on during the first session.

The full conference program for the Sakai Virtual Conference 15 is now available on-line: or

Rogue’s Gallery

View Rogue’s Gallery Promo

Design a page to share with your fellow conference attendees! Details on how to create your page will be emailed to registered attendees prior to the event. $20 Amazon gift card prizes to be awarded for best pages in the following 5 categories:

  • Most Sakai-oriented
  • Best Personal Page
  • Most Humorous
  • Most Campus-oriented
  • Best Pictures

Sakai Trivia Quiz

Test your trivia skills! $20 Amazon gift card awarded to the winner! Trivia contest will be conducted live during the afternoon break. [Note from Adam Marshall: I am running this quiz!]

Sakai 11 Skin Contest

Help us add some bling to Morpheus! For more information on creating custom skins, be sure to tune in for the Apereo webinar on Sept. 30th at 12PM EDT. Winners will be announced at SakaiVC15 and will receive a total of $400 in Amazon gift cards.

Random Prize Drawings

Randomly selected conference attendees will have a chance to win a prize. Several Amazon gift cards will be awarded, as well as a free conference registration to the Sakai LAMP CAMP – Pedagogy and Technology Conference July 28-30, 2016 (a $350 value)! You must be present to win the random prize drawings.

Neal Caidin, Sakai Community Coordinator, Apereo Foundation

Wilma Hodges, Sakai Virtual Conference 2015 Planning Committee Chair

Ian Dolphin, Executive Director, Apereo Foundation

Malcolm Brown has been Director of the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative since 2009 and has initiated major ELI undertakings such as its Seeking Evidence of Impact program and the Learning Space Rating System. Prior to assuming the ELI directorship, he was the Director of Academic Computing at Dartmouth College, overseeing a team active in instructional technology, research computing, classroom technology, and pedagogical innovation. During his tenure at Dartmouth, he worked actively with the ELI, contributing chapters to the EDUCAUSE eBooks, helping to plan focus sessions, and serving on the ELI Advisory Board. He has been a member of the EDUCAUSE Evolving Technologies committee and was the editor for the New Horizons column for the EDUCAUSE Review. He has served as a faculty member of the EDUCAUSE Learning Technology Leadership program. He has been on the Advisory board for the Horizon Report since its inception in 2004 and served as Chair of Board of the New Media Consortium. (From:

Chuck Severance: is an American computer scientist and academic who currently serves as Clinical Associate Professor of Information at the University of Michigan. Severance studied at Michigan State University, gaining his BS in 1984, his MS in 1990, and his PhD in 1996, all in computer science. After graduation, he became an Adjunct Assistant Professor at Michigan State, also serving as Director of the Division of Engineering Computer Services. He left this role in 1999 to become Associate Director for Advanced Technology at the University of Michigan’s Media Union, and left the institution entirely in 2001 to serve as Director of Product Development for Strategic Interactive. In August 2002, he returned to the University of Michigan as the first Chief Architect of the Sakai Project, later becoming a member of the Sakai Foundation Board of Directors, and then its first Executive Director. In 2007, he resigned from his position as the Executive Director of the Sakai Foundation, becoming Clinical Associate Professor of Information at the University of Michigan. In 2012, he was hired by Blackboard Inc. to lead their initiatives involving Sakai projects. He announced his departure from this role in March 2014. Outside of teaching and the private sector, Severance helped write the POSIX P1003 standard and has hosted several television shows, including Nothin but Net and Internet:TCI. (From:

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Web-Learning from History

Learning Technologists Steve and Xavier from the WebLearn team have given a presentation at the recent UAS Conference, along with colleagues in the History Faculty to demonstrate the Faculty’s revamped WebLearn site. Key features of the new site include:

  • A simple structure, easily navigated by all users
  • Touch-friendly interface suitable for tablets, mobiles and laptops
  • Individual pages for each paper showing the course description, reading list, and lectures
  • Individual tutor pages for interactive teaching and learning
  • Dedicated pages for general information and forms

The work is part of the WebLearn Improved Student Experience (WISE) project to improve the student experience. Funded by IT Services, the project provides tailored packages of support for 16 pilot groups across the University.


Screenshots of the new WebLearn site, showing the navigation,
course page and tools available to staff.


Pictured at the UAS Conference 23 Sept 2015:
Xavier (WISE team), Jeannie Scott (History), Steve B. (WISE team) and Laura Spence (History)

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New Version of WebLearn Released (2.10-ox6) on 23 September 2015

If you want more details then please contact the WebLearn Team.

If you would like to suggest further improvements then please do so by contributing to the WebLearn User Voice feedback service.


  • Schedule / Calendar Tool
    • The Schedule tool has been renamed to Calendar
    • The options at the top of the page have been renamed to make their purpose more obvious
    • The options at the top of the Synoptic Calendar have also been given better names
    • The Calendar export period (both Public and Private) have been extended to contain events up to 12 months into the future
  • Lessons Tool
    • New Lessons component: “Add Resources Folder”
    • Cosmetic improvements have been made to the look of  pages
    • Users are asked to confirm their actions when deleting a page component
  • Reading Lists have had numerous improvements courtesy of the ORLiMS project
  • The Edit Tools button has been renamed to Manage Tools
  • One can now click on the “tool name” to reset the tool to its first page (User Voice suggestion)
  • Some PDFs were not recognised as such when uploaded into Resources – this problem is now fixed
  • Some jquery (libraries (JavaScript files) were not recognised as such when uploaded into Resources – this problem is now fixed
  • The Assignments tool now has repeated ‘save’ buttons at top of screen to avoid long scrolling
  • The Dropbox now shows Display names and Usernames to help distinguish between students (User Voice suggestion)
  • IMS Basic LTI Tools that return marks can now expect them to be stored in the site Markbook (assuming the tool has been added to the site)
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